4 replies
July 2021


Outstanding! Hope Dora Wings does the AT-11 to go along with it!

July 2021

JPTRR Senior Editor

Funny looking airplane,almost cartoonish. But form follows function for this necessary trainer. Short-coupled with those Lycoming R-680-9s way out front - I’d hate to puke an engine during climb-out. (Reminds me about the joke about the Piper Apache, “What’s it’s critical engine? Both of them!”) But the demanding trainer can produce competent pilots.

Those blue and yellow cowls with the pre-war rudder - I want one of these.

IIRC, in the book In Hostile Skies : An American B-24 Pilot in World War II by James Davis, he wrote about getting lost at night, in severe thunderstorms, over NW Texas, in an AT-9.

1 reply
July 2021 ▶ JPTRR

litespeed News Editor

“What’s it’s critical engine? Both of them!”
:joy: :joy: :joy:
Nice one Fred

July 2021


Just curious. Where are the exhausts located on this plane?