8 replies
January 2021


Came out looking nice. Good job on it.

January 2021


Nice work!

January 2021


Very well done! What was your method/paints for the OD paint job?, you have some really nice subtleness and variation.

January 2021


Very nice. Really like the paint job. One of the most trouble free kits I ever built. Absolutely no issues for me. Hope it was the same for you.

January 2021


Really like the paint job and subtle weathering…well balanced.

February 2021


Thank you all for your friendly comments - I really appreciate them.

@ PappyChappy

I’m sorry but what’s an “OD paint job” please? I don’t know what it is.


1 reply
February 2021 ▶ Jupiterblitz


OD refers to the paint color olive drab.

February 2021


@ Armorsmith

Aaah, I see - thank you.

@ PaggyChappy

The paint job was as simplier as it looks.

  1. I applied a layer Tamiya fine primer (white) straight out of the spray can.
  2. Then I simply used one color: Tamiya’s LP-29 (Olive Drab 2).
    • No variations
    • No mixing with other colors
    • and in particular no color modulation

I’ve used Tamiya colors as stated in the instructions e.g. Khaki Drab, Rubber Black etc.

Then I added a washing with a mixture of Tamiya Enamels XF-1 and XF-64 (Black and Red Brown).

At the final I added some pigments.

That’s all - in contrast to the important micro painting which was by more time-consuming

Thank you again.