Nice work!
Very well done! What was your method/paints for the OD paint job?, you have some really nice subtleness and variation.
Very nice. Really like the paint job. One of the most trouble free kits I ever built. Absolutely no issues for me. Hope it was the same for you.
Really like the paint job and subtle weathering…well balanced.
Thank you all for your friendly comments - I really appreciate them.
@ PappyChappy
I’m sorry but what’s an “OD paint job” please? I don’t know what it is.
1 replyOD refers to the paint color olive drab.
@ Armorsmith
Aaah, I see - thank you.
@ PaggyChappy
The paint job was as simplier as it looks.
I’ve used Tamiya colors as stated in the instructions e.g. Khaki Drab, Rubber Black etc.
Then I added a washing with a mixture of Tamiya Enamels XF-1 and XF-64 (Black and Red Brown).
At the final I added some pigments.
That’s all - in contrast to the important micro painting which was by more time-consuming
Thank you again.