That machine looks heavy! What kind of turret is that? Is this something made by russians or it is an egyptian invention? Well done!
1 replyThat machine looks heavy! What kind of turret is that? Is this something made by russians or it is an egyptian invention? Well done!
1 replySoviet tank + Soviet gun + local welding
The bottom and part of the front corners of the T-34/85 turret can still be seen
So what they actually did? Did they cut the casted turet, added some spacers/armor, or they add just on top existing cast? I am just curious and interested on how decisions of bulding such kind of bizzare looking tank are made
1 replyThey must have cut down the turret, it would be impossible to fit that gun on top of a complete T-34 turret
Walkaround photos showing more details
The top right image on page 2 shows the left side of the gun inside the turret,
original turret wall with old lifting hook is visible. Click image to see larger version
I am trully impressed with your knowledge, seriously. This egyptian t-34 with their turret is eye catching!
1 replyI just know that Prime Portal can be a gold mine of photos.
The rest is just being able to search with Google.
Try searching for: T-34/122
or add “walkaround” to refine the search
The internet is full of information (in English …)
There was also the T-34/100
and the Syrian T-34-122 (different ways of writing the name, just to make things complicated)
which had the gun on an open platform