Continue Discussion 16 replies
August 2023

Bodeen Supporter

I think this is very cool. Depending on price I might get one.

August 2023


I think it should be made clearer that this is not a physical model but 3d printer ready 3d model file. You, the buyer, have to print this yourself with your own 3d printer or have someone print it for you.

1 reply
August 2023


It’s pricey, but it has a very good break down and the parts come with supports. The link and length tracks are nice and the interior of the turret is nice addition. A plastic kit like this would be 40 to 60 bucks if it was all plastic. The good thing is though, you can print many models for your use. There is a lengthy listing that details the vehicle and the model parts. And of coarse, the model is provided in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35. I wouldn’t buy it if I wasn’t going to do at least one in 1/35th. I have also gotten other Faustus Models and they are nice files. If your unsure about it they are other files from them you can try before spending a larger amount.

August 2023 ▶ MikeyBugs


There will be a physical version soon :wink:

August 2023

Bodeen Supporter

I don’t have 3D printing capability. I will have to wait for a physical kit. It will probably be very pricey. Very interesting, though.

August 2023


Love the term “lazy tracks” :joy:

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ BDR529


hehehe ;D

August 2023


That looks like a great model for me .the Problem I got no 3D Printer :frowning:

1 reply
August 2023


You need a 0,01-0,02-0,035 capable printer, that is a higher than average machine. Mine is a 0,05 so no way I could print that. That specs are for a 500€ printer.

1 reply
August 2023

Armor_Buff Regular

“Lazy Tracks” that’s the perfect description! FM should trademark the name.

If the physical kit has a reasonable price, might be willing to make this my first 3D printed model kit.

August 2023 ▶ FJCabeza


Nope, you can do up to 0.01 (although Id recommend 0.02mm lowest) on 150 bugs machines like the Elegoo Mars 2 pro, or standard low end Anycubics :wink:

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ DetlevK


No problem, there will be a physical set as well soon :slight_smile:

August 2023 ▶ Tom_Theunissen


Well, not in Anycubic Photon Mono, even if the software allows you to choose 0,01mm it actually prints 0,05mm and banding will appear unless you angle and add supports to the print with extreme care. I understand that if the printer would actually do 0,01 or 0,015 banding would be almost non existant even if the prints were flat on the plate. Perhaps my next purchase should be a Elegoo 8K but that has to wait until better times.

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ FJCabeza


What slicing software are you using? On all of my Anycubics, I’ve been able to print anywhere from 0.01mm up to 0.1mm.

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ MikeyBugs


Both Chitu and Photon Workshop, both allow selecting thinner than 0,05mm Z layer but Anycubic Photon Mono will print 0,05mm… Allways.

September 2023


Also, make sure your model has good support structure to eliminate shifting while printing. This also causes print lines.