19 February
The MG37 is probably better known as the ZB37 (t), as it’s a Czech design. It was used extensively by second line units to make up for lack of German MG34s and MG42s. It was a relatively modern design, notably used by 7th SS Mountain Division “Prinz Eugen” in the Balkans. There are two pictures of it in “Waffen SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs” by Steven and Amodio. The example featured doesn’t have a seat on the tripod.
1 reply
19 February
I feel like there is a market for larger scale stuff like this. Imagine this set in 1/16 or even 1/6 scale.
19 February
Managing Editor
Thank you for the input Hohenstaufen as I was thinking about how much like the Japanese woodpecker it looked.
20 February
It is also the basis of the British BESA. Unlike the BREN which was modified to use the British rimmed .303 cartridge, the BESA retained it’s 7.92×57mm Mauser chambering which wasn’t a problem as the Royal Armoured Corps had a separate supply chain to the rest of the British Army and as a bonus could use captured German ammunition. As it was, conversion to .303 was relatively painless compared to creating the BREN but by the time it had reached the prototype stage the go-ahead had been given to BSA to tool up for the Mauser chambering. The 15mm BESA was actually a completely different beast based on the ZB60 m.g. utilising a Skoda-designed 15×104 mm Brno cartridge, basically the same gun as employed by the Germans as the 15 mm FlaMG 39 (t)…