Need this in 1/35!! ASAP!
Congrats to all the 1/72 modellers out there
I envy you.
Need this in 1/35!! ASAP!
Congrats to all the 1/72 modellers out there
I envy you.
Only bonus would be you could do a few nice dio’s depending how movable the jib etc is … but 1/35th … yes please
1 replyThe jib looks pretty movable and appears to be able to be set at any angle one chooses but that is only a guess and I might be missing something.
On the announcement post it appears adjustable.
. . . I have to admit I’m a little envious of the latest braille scale releases announced but it’s already a challenge to work with some of the 35th scale fiddly bits . . . .
Всем привет. Я как производитель данной модели со всей ответственностью заявляю , что кабина крана и стрела подвижные. Дверь в кабину открытой. В нашей группе на Facebook выложен демонстрационный ролик по этой модели.
С уважением , Алексей.
and Google translate says that Alekseis post reads like this in English:
Hello everyone. As a manufacturer of this model, I declare with full responsibility that the crane cabin and boom are movable. The door to the cockpit is open. A demo of this model is uploaded to our Facebook group.
Sincerely, Alex.
Would love it in 1/35 though …