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January 2022

Karl187 Supporter

Oh boy what a scene! Its awesome to see an Afghanistan dio but even more so when it is an absolute belter like this!

The figures are just works of art really- the colors are spot on, the shading and highlighting deftly observed and the details picked out with precision. Troops deployed up in the mountains like this tended to carry a real assortment of kit and its nice to see it all picked out in the backpacks and assault vests. Little details like the weapon straps and the radio wires are always nice to see as well.

In terms of the groundwork I think it has been well considered to allow the figures room to shine but still ground them in a realistic setting. It slopes upward nicely and the heli tail rotor is a fantastic touch where the hill tapers off.

Fantastic stuff, and it is certainly a great inspiration.

January 2022

BootsDMS Patron

Great stuff! Was there a film about this battle - or have I confused myself? (Highly likely these days).

January 2022


Incredible work and right up my alley. Would love to do these figure dioramas. Excellent figure painting and groundwork. The composition is excellent too with the rotor in the background. Beautifully done !

January 2022


Could this be Chechnya ?

2 replies
January 2022 ▶ metalhead85

BootsDMS Patron

Afghanistan I think…I’ve a nagging feeling there was a film but can’t for the life of me remember…

January 2022

BootsDMS Patron

Google is indeed my friend; see:

Battle for Hill 3234 - Wikipedia

and the film was called “The 9th Company”.

1 reply
January 2022


Very nice diorama

Hmm, very interesting. If you advance the scenario 20 years and switch it to a US unit, it sounds very familiar. Oh, how history repeats itself.

1 reply
January 2022


Oh ok I see yes.

January 2022 ▶ HeavyArty

BootsDMS Patron

It sure does; I feel sometimes that politicians should be made to watch certain films, or study history just a little bit more, because at the end of the day it’s the soldier that pays. Don’t get me wrong; professional armies in a democracy are due to go where they’re sent but jeez, sometimes, just sometimes…

1 reply
January 2022

Klaus-Adler Campaigns Guru

I first learned about this battle from the Swedish Heavy Metal band Sabaton and their song Hill 3234

Sabaton - Hill 3234 (Music Video)

@BootsDMS @HeavyArty where can i get a copy of that film, is it available on Netflix or did you guys buy a DVD/BluRay?

2 replies
January 2022


No idea - I haver not seen the film, just read the description at Wikipedia. It sounds very familiar though.

2 replies
January 2022

Klaus-Adler Campaigns Guru

my dad came up with a solution to end all wars, make the damn politicians do the fighting, no fancy weapons or technology, clubs and knives only…the rest of us could go about getting on with our lives. he submitted his idea to the government, strangely they haven’t got back to him with a reply yet and that was several years ago.

January 2022 ▶ HeavyArty

Klaus-Adler Campaigns Guru

@HeavyArty hi Gino, i did a quick search on empty our wallet bay… i found it there and ordered a copy, thanks for trying to help me :slight_smile:

January 2022 ▶ Klaus-Adler

BootsDMS Patron

I’m assuming Amazon somewhere or similar; I - as indicated - vaguely recall it from years ago on TV; I’m pretty sure it had T-64s in it which made me sit up and watch a little bit closer. I also recall a pretty spooky bit when the Afghans hove into view unnoticed by a Sov sentry. I may have to dig around for a copy myself now - having sort of talked myself into it. Wasn’t there also some gratuitous female nudity? I do hope so!

1 reply
January 2022 ▶ BootsDMS

Klaus-Adler Campaigns Guru

@BootsDMS Brian, y9u can get it off of eBay (empty my wallet bay) for £3:49 with free p & p.

or if you’re a cheap skate but technically minded you can find it on YouTube and beam it to your tv!

I bought it on eBay then went looking on YouTube, and found it there which is probably were I saw it first…doh!

1 reply
January 2022 ▶ Klaus-Adler

BootsDMS Patron

Brilliant! That means I can fast forward to the nudity - er, I mean the T-64s!

January 2022 ▶ metalhead85

Karl187 Supporter

Look for the hats- the soft peaked canvas hat with round brim was issued widely in the war there. I have a great many pics of Chechnya and have never seen it there despite a huge amount of Afghan era equipment still being used there. May very well have made some appearances though- I would be glad to be proven wrong.

Pretty sure I did see some Eritrean rebels wearing them in an old Eritrean documentary about the Ethiopian Civil War- there were Russian advisers (and masses of equipment) on the Ethiopian side throughout the 80s.

1 reply
January 2022


This takes military modelling to the level of art.

January 2022 ▶ Karl187


Thanks Karl I wasn’t sure. I find modern Russian uniforms so confusing but also it’s difficult at times to tell the time period because they used so much of their stuff for long periods of time.

January 2022 ▶ HeavyArty


9th company (spoiler alert) is about a Soviet army company that has a very sweaty nude encounter with a girl with white hair who gets to know the boys all at once, and then the company ships out to replace a company that was either completely wiped out or nearly wiped out by the Taliban. Inside the outpost tents, etc, it seems every soldier of the previous, ill fated company had access to a photo of the same white haired girl. So, I won’t ruin the end half of the movie too badly but just say that Blondy is a foreshadowing of everything that goes wrong.