Continue Discussion 10 replies
October 2023


I don’t know if we’re seeing the final release, but it has these problems;

This is not an exhaustive list.


2 replies
October 2023 ▶ DByrden


Hi David,
I love that you know these details.
Makes it easier to try and correct or get the AM guys to make updates for.
Obviosly it would be better if Trumpy did their homework a little better in the first place…but that must be a challenge for them its not like there is a single point of reference for them to look at regarding Tiger details :rofl: :rofl:


October 2023 ▶ DByrden


It is almost as if they want to make an earlier version of the Tiger

October 2023


Do people actually lose sleep if the kit is not 100% dead on accurate…? LOL…! Does it really matter…? Just askin… :wink:


2 replies
October 2023

varanusk Managing Editor

Yes, for some people it does matter. Part of the fun is research and building an accurate model. And this view is completely acceptable as any other.

1 reply
October 2023 ▶ varanusk


Especially if one was interested in showing the evolution of the Tiger through the various design changes over its production life. You want to start with the most accurate base possible.

And no one is asking for 100% dead on accuracy; just that they get easily checked items correct since there are plenty of references available now.

October 2023 ▶ unclepine


Mr. Dok, nobody said they are “losing sleep”.
Did you come here to discuss the kit, or did you come to point and laugh at people different to yourself?


October 2023 ▶ unclepine

barkingdigger Associate Editor

If they are paying into the triple digits, I expect they DO want accuracy…

December 2023


January 2024


As I usually try to do with Tiger kits, I’ve started to list the problems I can see in Trumpeter’s 1/16 Tiger and to suggest fixes.
I’m sorry to say that this kit has many things wrong with it, as regards accuracy. I’ll be adding to that list for some time.
