1/35 Meng Models USMC M1A1 Abrams

Hi guys. Thanks for the feedback. The Meng Kit is great, no issues whatsoever; except some minor flash that requires clean-up. Can’t say anything on accuracy as I’m not an expert, but it looks right to me. I’d highly recommend the kit to anyone.

As for the antennas – I just saw this one on the reference picture I used (the photo is under a creative commons licence on Wikipedia):

As for the markings: They were not part of the kit – sorry, I forgot to mention it. I ordered them at Italeri; because they were the markings on the tank in the reference picture. They’ve got it in their USMC Abrams with Crew kit.

I’m not very happy with the stowage – it was only my second attempt at stowage (and my 5th tank overall). I basecoated it with tamiya; highlights and shadow were brushpainted with Vallejo.