1:35 Rome Plow from Vietnam

Hello Wayne!
Thanks a lot for your comment and for your kind words! I remember what you wrote about the belly pan before and I even contemplated packing some “dry leaves” in my model’s pan, but that wouldn’t really show after closing it up, so I didn’t do it…

Very interesting info, about that water tank… I bet it was a lot of fun, when it got some holes from gunshots or shrapnel…

That reminds me that I wanted to ask one thing - there’s an extra seat in the kit and holes for mounting it to the right and forward of the operator’s seat - but it isn’t shown in the instructions. Would it be correct to install it for the Vietnam variant with the “house”/ROPS on?

Thanks again and have a nice day


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As far as I can recall the buddy seat was usually removed to ease access to the cab. I’m not sure if it would fit with the roll cage on anyway. The regular Cat that I ran did not have a cab and had the buddy seat, like the plain D7 that HobbyLink sells. As far as the water tank goes, I don’t think it was used very much as they usually tried to clean the pans out during daily maintenance. Wayne

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That’s looking fantastic.

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