1/35 Tamiya Wespe + a LOT of Extras

upper hull, gun and sides mounted… leaving back off for now as I need to add a box just where the gun mount is and that needs to be painted… not 100% with the fit of the sides so a little filler needed…


Dunkelgelb laid down - ammo paint mixed 50:50 with transparator - probably a touch too heavy but brush was a touch clogged (didn’t check it well enough at the start of the session)


3 simple decals…


dont know how much the tracks will survive when I come to paint them again but they have a bit more structure…


chipping started (and tool/exhaust painting)


I really love your chipping! Glad to see another heavily chipped model, even more chipped than mine :+1: :+1:

matt coat on yesterday, today I did the jack block (not the most defined wood grain) and added a trapauline using VMS Paper Shaper (my first go - didn’t realise it would stick it to the kit, oh well it looks OK)… painted khaki and tried to do a touch of wet blending painting, need to matt it down a touch…


chipping and oil streaking done… next stop will be the mud (my first real attempt at that so wish me luck)…


ok, so I invested in some AK mud effect textured paint and thought, well a muddy tank with no base looks odd so why not try a base… so an old phot frame, some card “hills” (liberally coated in acryllic binder to strengthen) and then the textured paint, some stones from the garden and then a sprinkling of dirt… need to add grass (paint brush bristles and dry seed grass I believe) and a little bit of stowage… may even add 3 figures (2 form the kit and 1 from the tamiya german infantry with bicycle…)… anyway, go easy, first attempt…


He won’t be to happy having to cycle through that mud :grinning:

Looks good :+1:

he will be pushing it… but yeah very true (going to make it looks slightly less muddy, more dried earth - will adjust the ground colour, paint was more for texture) :wink:

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Base progressing… green was mix of NATO green and light green kahki (best I had) and earth base was equal parts desert sand, khaki and then a touch of dunkelgelb. Next stop is the enamel wash earth tones and some detail painting… Wespe still needs to be weathered but thats how it will look (in hindsight more grass where the oil drums/boxes will go may have been better…

earth and mud tones added (Ammo range) plus tried to add in a bit more of the green (wish I had put more grass on, maybe if I build a second diorama). Meed to paint some of the stones then start on weathering the Wespe and painting the stowage elements


That’s looking great Rob. The Dio base area has taken an already lovely build up another level easily. Great colours on it :+1:

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thanks… not 100% on the grass, next time (there will be a next time) I will add more grass and try to make it more vibrant (not overly so)… think I need to break out the photo light tent and take some better shots…

but yes, I am very happy with the first attempt, need to find some other cheap frames

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This is looking great! I like Wespes!

Curious how this is progressing?
Did you finish?


not posted here in a very long time but this did get finished…


Nice to see this got finished… Looks great :+1: well laid out and figures give it some good movement as well.