And in the ohers they look as if they curve upward again, suggesting it was a field mod.
Very impressive!
Thanks Gino lol….I’m so embarrassed- I drove one for a short time when I first got to Germany in ‘85 before I became a 60 gunner, I should have known about the brake pedal yikes! I remember the laterals yes…
I remember there is a shift lever on the right side wall too no?
Range selector.
A brilliant display of understanding the region and the conflict , a great diorama that you can almost feel the tension and smell the jungle that’s always close .
As someone that is partial to Vietnam dios myself… nice work! I will add another compliment to something different, your vegetation. Nice job blending a variety of plants and really nice work on the density. Very realistic. I have made dios with jungle vegetation so know how hard this is to pull off and I have to say you nailed it.
You did an excellent job on all the detail. what a story.
This is a great dio. Well done.
That is definitely a very cool diorama. When I first saw it, Admiral Akbar exclaimed, “It’s a trap!” My second thought was to order the guy in front to drive straight over that truck. My third thought was that someone put a big bomb in the truck. My fourth thought was that dealing with a potential trap like this must really suck.
Damn son! You’ve been flyin’ under the radar with with your Nam dio’s. You’ve got some nice work posted the last few days that I’ve only now stumbled on. Being a Nam nut myself I try to stay alert to any new USARV entries but somehow missed yours. I’m jealous as hell of your focus, I have a fairly large display of US armor in SEA but my progress is laughable compared to yourself. Your attention to the details of the composition tells me you’re totally into it. Respect my friend.
Thank you very much. It was a lot of fun, build this dio.
I have also some old nam dios. If you interesting, I will make some new pictures and load it up.
Regards Christian