1/72 UH-60A-Italeri

I need something to do as a hold over till the 1/48 MH-60K arrives in November. I have built 2 Italeri UH-60s , I looked at Hobbycraft and Hasegawa. They just don’t seem to have enough detail, both “plain Janes”. The Italeri is a nightmare to build, the biggest drawback is the cabin windscreen and nose windows. The first one I puttied the gaps around the glass then masked around the glass to wet sand. I really wish someone would do a new mold for the old basic UH-60A in 72nd and 48th.I have some Werner decals and will do 82-23699, 1991 Desert Storm, desert tan with an OD belly. This was the basic UH-60A, no HIRSS, just an open hole for the exhaust,no disco light, no wing pylons for fuel tanks or rockets not even the wing stubs, bare bones with some seats.


Completely agree with the difficulties about windscreen.


Thanks, here is one that came out almost decent except the left side. The downside is that dam door on the left side, I think it was made to be open. I may try adding the cockpit door to the left side of the fuselage then when I join right and left fuselage halves maybe I can get a better fit with the glass. The nose glass by the rudder pedals is another mishap. I keep staring at these images trying to come up with a better way to build it, doors closed! This kit I used Italeri decals not Werner Wings.


The kit arrived yesterday, All washed and detail painting started.


Cockpit interior done.


The seats are in, fuselage closed up and side forward fuselage windows closed. No guns, no glory.


Found a more interesting subject for this build, still a basic early UH-60A. A 57th Med. Det. in Grenada 1983.


The cargo doors and glass are in, I puttied up some seams and glued on the left cockpit door. The un fun part soon when I add the cockpit glass and putty up the seams all around the cockpit. Last time I masked the cockpit glass so when I wet sanded I wouldn’t scratch the windshield.


I sanded the seams then glued in the canopy windshield. I taped it side to side and front to rear to hold the sides as tight as I could get them, hopefully this will reduce the size of the gaps I will have to fill.

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I un taped the windscreen and the gaps were not too bad. I masked the windscreen then puttied the gaps.


Will be off for a while. Wife and I have covid, sinus infections and she has pink eye. Been hacking my brains out and nose runs like a broken faucet. Later…also more storms headed to us in Gulf Coast FL, aint life grand, knew I shoulda retired in MAINE!!!

I wish you good luck and good health, see you soon.


Back at it. Cockpit glass all cleaned up, started adding shrouds and engine intakes to the top of fuselage. The right door window clear part 32 is missing, I tried getting a replacement with no luck. Not sure what I will do about it. Try and make one? Maybe.


wow, you are really powering through that old kit, is there any chance you can take some close up pictures of the area you used put on the cockpit area?

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Not sure what you are asking but you want blow up of glass installation in cockpit area? Putty still needs more filling of porous areas.


More putty. There is a pattern emerging, every time I add parts I also add putty. Interesting.


Hello , is the cost of putty more expensive than the kit? :slight_smile:

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When you consider all the paint, putty, after market decals and sanding sheets I have gone through this model will be worth about 3 times more than I paid for it, and that’s not includng my labor cost$$$$ !!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I sanded the puttied seams, added the nose glass and the glass for the cockpit doors. The right door window was missing so I made a window for the right cockpit door from some thin plastic packaging material.


Sprayed olive drab.