My favorite aftermarket tracks were the white metal Sector35 (Ukraine) as they were available pre-assembled. Add or remove a link as needed. All of the benefits of rubber band track, white metal track and easier to use than the best 3D printed parts. Less expensive than Fruilmodel with far superior quality control and very little clean up needed for unassembled links. Literally, the Best of the Best in every way!
They were also available unassembled if saving a few dollars was a priority. With Putin’s War, Sector35 isn’t available currently.
Que Ugly Face.
QuickTracks are my next choice these days with Sector35 unavailable. The Panther D tracks I’ve used articulated like white metal. I glue the track to the road wheel bottom and the bttom of the track to the base to ensure the snap together links won’t be overstressed. I hope they will hold up well over time.
White metal wise, Master Club, R-Model & San Xin appear good. I have sets but haven’t build a full set yet.
White metal? More like a white Elefant or white Elephant…Fruilmodel is has a lot of wild variations in quality. Sometimes the casting are pretty clean then like my experience yesterday wirh Cromwell tracks, exact 1 link out of 125 links was a clean casting. I’m pretty much done with buying Fruilmodel products. The product quality is too much of a crap shoot anymore.
I’ve used Fruilmodel since the 1990’s and the old folding clasp design. When the quality went to hell a few years ago, I ordered direct from the orginal owner after he cleaned house and those links were good quality. My only purchase since the new owner took over via a reseller is garbage quality 
Not paying $48 (or even $5) a set for Fruilmodel’s crappy products if it’s at all avoidable again. Tired of chasing every hole and removing tons of casting flash for 7 of the last 10 sets used.
Excuse me, have another 125 crappy Fruilmodel
links to clean up for the other run of Cromwell tracks.
BTW - regarding weight of white metal tracks, the return rollers on Pz III & Pz IV’s have the most track weight on them relatively speaking out of the kits I’ve built. None have had any issues with track weight. This model has a set of the Extra Thick & Heavy old school Fruilmodel folding clasp tracks from the early 1990’s.
The model is ~22+ years old, been on lots of car rides in a 91 Camaro & 99 Trans Am bouncing to model shows etc. The tracks sag more than they did in 2003 but that happened sometimes with the old clasp tracks over many years.
I think if track weight was an issue this model would have had issues.
Edit - agreed link & length is usually the worst of all worlds.