3D prints and CADs Part 2 - by petition2God

Whatever works for each to his own. My wheel mask will hopefully save time for some folks so they don’t have to DIY. There are other ways to skin a cat of course.
“Worth investigating” to confirm some understanding but NOT the most efficient use of my scarce time - to put this into perspective, I will make $2.30 per STL sale after fees, and will make $4 profit if someone buys an actual FDM print. No one bought either so far, and my time is gone making all those posts.

I’m going to stop here.

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I feel your pain. The only time I make money on any posts is when I hawk my walk arounds -which I haven’t felt a need to do for a while. :grinning:

By the way, the reason for my original post wasn’t to disparage your product - it was to help you out by suggeting the masks looked too thick. I apologize for wasting your time.

No worries, Rob. It is not a complete waste bc some good findings were made.
All in the name of hobby!


Did I get the shelter parts from you a while back. I got them from somebody here and now I can’t Rember who sent them.

Yup, you bought them from me.

I think I’m missing a part 15 E if you could take a gander and i know ill order again if you have it if not then ill try to make one.

Sorry Mike, I have looked in the box (probably 25 years old). Not there.

no worries just thought I’d ask I’ll get some sheet styrene and throw a rectangle together.

Literally hot off the FMD printer


Do you have plans to do more tracked vehicles if so, I think I’ll buy the whole set.

It’s hard to tell - are those circles chamfered? If so, it brings the previous conversation to a whole new level. Chamfering the edges to a razor’s edge (if possible) would make a huge differemce.
Back before we knew any better, DML’s MLRS wheels had raised edges, slight though they may have been. As I was building them for Lockheed Martin, I was supplied with brass masks, but they were neither PE nor shim stock - they were fairly thick (0.125?) pieces of brass that had the edges of the circles machined down, chamfered, or some other means, until the edges were razor sharp, making them look like this:

Just throwing that out there, in case it’s possible.

I didn’t design them to be chamfered. It may just be the reflection bc I 3D printed them in silver filament. Or there could be very slight chamfering due to the layer thickness difference leading to being melted differently. Very hard to tell.

Thought about doing more of them, wheel masks, because they’re relatively easy to make. Which vehicles do you need them to be made for and which brand?

I already have a mask that fits M48/M60 wheels based on Dragon and Tamiya/Academy kit measurements.
As long as I have the kit in my stash - most likely I do, I can make them.

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I hope it’s not one of these again. :smiley:


I would not ask if I didn’t intend to buy as I’ve said before I’ll be doing a bulk order soon and this will be in there. I understand work and talent and if you do both then I will gladly pay for it as I don’t have the talent or the time right now.

Sounds good, Mike. Just let me know which vehicle wheel masks you’d like to have. Thanks.
Happy holidays!

You too I’m goanna shoot you a PM on a small side project a well

Adding more 3D printed Kakao friend collection.


1/35 USMC M4A2 late PTO style wooden applique armor CADs.
Made 3-piece version (right and left) and 2-piece version (right and left). Dimensions based on the Dragon #6462 kit parts.
I did not like how the Dragon kit parts are in one piece - instead of 3 separate pieces, and the wood grain patterns were artificial and identically repeated.

So here’s the 3-piece version with bolt details - right and left sides were made.

Wood grain textures are a bit exaggerated for better 3D printability:

Reference photo used:

For the 2-piece version, all the reference photos I gathered did NOT have the bolt details as if the mounting method was different from the 3-piece version:

So I left out the bolt details. Of course, the modeler can customize them to one’s liking:

Uploading them to my cults3d page soon.


The first two tanks are Iwo, not sure where Jungle Jim is taken.

Every tank battalion was set up differently, sometimes adding concrete between the wood and hull.

David Harper’s Iwo book as the other side of Davey Jones.

Based on that you can barely make out the two bolts.

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