Yeah it’s the old Mk1 with cannon, cannon bulges, tropical filters, clipped tips and other bits to convert to a V. So a lot of surgery! How accurate a V it is I can’t say. I can’t complain for what I paid. I think they were selling them for about 30 quid at the time, but the accumulated loyalty points knocked a heck of a lot off!
I grabbed 2 of the big Hurricanes as well at the time, so good ones to add the stash.
I can see them doing a new 1/24 Spitfire in the future, but I reckon it will be another Mk1. It’s the iconic early war Battle of Britain version so would be a huge seller. Personally, I’d prefer a IX, it’s the nicest looking version I think.
Not had much of a chance to do any more last couple of days. My partner got me CSM’s 1/35 Lanchester Armoured Car so started building that. Thought it would be a good gesture on my part to build it rather than stash it! Absolutely fantastic kit and I can thoroughly recommend that one too.
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Looking good! waiting for more!
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Thanks Ezra. Hoping to get the fuselage closed up in the next day or so.
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Cockpit tub assembled.
Fit was good, but tolerances are a bit tight so you do need to make sure to keep paint from the mating edges of the bulkhead pieces.
The finished tub can be fitted into one half of the fuselage then closed up, or fitted through the bottom of the finished fuselage.
Fuselage and wings together today.
Decent fit but could be better. Needed to sand off a little from the bottom of the tub to get the rear of the wing to fit flush and there is a slight gap at the wing roots. Nothing a bit of Mr Surfacer shouldn’t solve.
Wow! Over a month since my last update!
Nothing terribly exciting to report so far. Only that I finally got a few minutes to tackle that gap at t wing-fuselage join.
Used a method I found online that takes sanding out of the procedure. Apply Mr Surfacer, wait an hour and then wipe off with a cottonbud damped with acrylic thinner. Worked quite well for my first attempt and will probably use it in future builds. Might need a bit more to build it up and reduce the depth of the line a little more.
Haven’t done an Airfix aircraft since the mid-sixties…I see they’ve come a long way since! Maybe they could consider adding PE as well?
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Compared to what they used to do (and are still putting out as ‘collectors’ items), they are very nice these days.
I’m really looking forward to the Beaufort they have scheduled for this year.
Stephen, I can only watch and admire your work, since it seems this latest release has all but sold out here down under!
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Thanks Russell, hopefully you’ll be able to get one soon.
Hehe, given the quantity of kits in my stash, believe me, I’m not in a hurry
Of course quietly hoping for a reissue with RAAF markings as well, doesn’t hurt
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I know what you mean, I try not to but something tempting always seems to be released!
I recently found the RAAF decals from their last VC kit, so will probably do something with those when I buy another. I fully expect other releases considering the spare parts.
Not to repeat myself, but this one has a lot of potential!
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Let’s hope so Steve. And let’s hope it’s a big seller for Airfix
I haven’t forgotten about this build!
Managed to get a bit of time this afternoon to do a little more work.
Fitted the tailplanes and rudder. No issues here, all fits perfectly. The trailing edge of the rudder is VERY thin. Needs some very delicate sanding with fine wet and dry to get to remove the mould seam.
Also fitted the bikes filter. There were some gaps here, so filled those with some Mr Surfacer. Left it an hour or so and wiped off the excess with a cottonbud damped with Gunze paint thinner. Worked like a charm.
Great to see you back on the Spit, Stephen
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Thanks Russell, just a few little things to do and she’ll be ready for some paint. Was finally able to get a set of Eduards canopy masks last week. They sold out really out really quickly so had to wait for restock.
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I’ve taken to buying them just as soon as I can and keeping them in the kits box!
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Exactly what I try to do Stephen, although the best laid plans of mice and men often conspire to do the opposite
What are your thoughts on the kit parts and moulding quality so far on the VC?
Currently I’m building Airfix’s Bf109 E4 in 1/72 and it’s quickly getting assigned to the paint n run pile as it’s got numerous moulding flaws -meanwhile I’m eyeing off the new Emil from Special Hobby
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The Tamiya 109e is very nice too.
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