Another Enemy | Armorama™

Another Enemy is a stunning vignette depicting a battle in Vietnam with another enemy deep within the water! Stunning work from modelling friend Young Won

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

Very unique and really cool message for something so small on a base.

The crowding of the foliage, reptile, and figures really adds a lot of eyecandy for the viewer.

Awesome job! :grinning:


Excellent job ! Figure painting is first rate as well as the ground work.


Oh man! I can’t stop viewing this slithery masterpiece!
Never get in the water! Never get in the water! … :crocodile:


Have to say it’s an incredibly inventive and interesting piece- the painting and groundwork are really top notch too.


I really like Tiger Stripe camo, this is one camo scheme that lends itself well to replicateing the pattern offset at the sewn seam along the sleeves and pants leg etc. This scene evokes all kinds of imaginings . . . I’ve been on the water with a 'gator big enough to easily flip the jon boat and that was scary enough, but to be on deep recon in Indian territory trying to be ultra quite while fighting the natural inclination to unload a mag on the croc while scrambling for a foothold up a slippery bank . . . God bless the Vietnam vet.

Cajun :crocodile:

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No matter how many times I come back and look this dio over, I keep finding elements that impress me more than the last time. This is one of the most incredible modeling pieces I have ever seen.

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Beautiful work! I love the work on the tiger stripes! All I would critique is the lack of camo face paint on their exposed skin. The flesh painting is superb on these figures, but it was standard procedure to “green up” every day for these teams while out on a patrol.