Arabic Wall Slogans?

Or you can even 3D-print your own model…


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I think I would just take that photo, cut out the whole advertising thing, remove perspective and size it correctly for the model, then print it out and stick it on.

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That’s perfect.

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A good while back Hisham helped me out a great deal with this build.

It was inspired by this Syrian UAZ.

Hisham helped me get the text and numbering correct for the doors and numberplates. He also helped with the Arabic graffiti. The Assad-Hitler bit was pulled from this photo.


The bit with the bodies hanging off his arm was also from a photo. The slogans were also found in pictures and I used the basic Microsoft Art program on Windows to write them out. All were posted into Word and then printed on decal paper. It turned out to be nice and thin too so they went down nicely.

The text on the UAZ was brush painted. A product like a Cricut might help with text like this too.


Why so many propane tanks neatly lined up?

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The Mosul dam was unreliable for electricity in the whoile Ninewa Province. Rememer, we criminalized the guys who knew how to run it just because they had been in the Ba’ath party. But that’s a story for another time.
Almost everyone cooked on propane stoves.