Aussie Centurions in Viet Nam

The Vespid kit has the post 1970 fit out so doing a 1968 version is not an option Shaun.

Nevertheless, the first 20 Australian tanks arrived in Vietnam in February 1968. The order to repaint vehicles Lusterless OD was issued in April 1967. More than enough time for the existing fleet to be OD before they shipped out.

Still fresh off the boat in March 1968, less than a month after arrival, still bearing the side armour plates which were gone within weeks, and definitely not Deep Bronze green:

Follow bigsplashbears link to the AWM photos and you will see some more

Tamiya Olive Green is a fair match for 1/72, judging by photos once covered in dust and mud won’t make much difference anyway

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I think that is still too dark and green Simon.

I think XF-89 Dark Green 2 is probably closer than XF-58. Add a little Deck tan and a tinge of Flat earth to it and you might be okay for 1/72nd scale:

The way my question was phrased was indelicate.
What I meant to say was, is there an equivalent?
Thanks for the link; very informative.

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I would say that you are right for a pristine vehicle it is too dark, but for an in country Vietnam vehicle the weathering would lighten it

Although I made this one years ago and the light is a bit harsh, you can see on the front it turns lighter after weathering the lower hull is so heavily weathered that you hardly see any green.
Of course it is different for everyone, I tend to go slightly darker as the way I weather lightens it but not everyone does, Australian colour is definitely greener than olive drab


G’day Peter
Thanks for the correction mate. I remember doing some research on Mouse House & also Anzac Steel regarding the colour when I got my AFV Club kit years ago, but I’m still on leave away from my kits, so had to work on foggy memory. I do remember reading though, that repaints from Bronze Green into LOD didn’t happen straight away, much like the Leopards stayed in Gelb Olive for a while before repaint into LOD or AusCam

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