Must be Italian…
Is it a Bowling Alley?
95 done. Very fragile and I broke quite a few. One small pin is molded on each block and you are supposed to rock it onto it’s neighbor and then add a pin. I found out quickly there is no play in the rocking motion so I trimmed that cast in pin.
We will see how it handles being put on the suspension.
Put some decals on.
Cartograf and Solvaset solution. I don’t use gloss coat when using these this combo.
Thanks, I like yours! Did you find the track brittle?
A little, I broke maybe 12 to 15 links.
And it took me awhile to get the correct number of links.
But they are way better than the original from Dragon.
I had also some issues with the decals besides that it’s a very nice kit from Dragon.
About the same number for me.
I think it’s just because it’s so small.
I think so too Dan.
I worked on a set for a Panther and I might have broken only a few pins, track were all good.
I’ve done a set of their T55 tracks with no problems and I don’t want to appear to be saying its a poor product.
That is a really nice job Dan. Nice war booty of Bordeaux to boot. A figure would add a story.
A slight observation, should the road wheels have a black rubber band?
They should, and I think I added a very thin black wash over them. Thanks for the heads up.
Or dust the vehicle down. Enough road dust and you’ll barely be able to tell the color difference. Or mud.
But then you’ll need a base…
And once you make a base you’ll need a name plate…
And once you make the name plate a mouse will come along asking about cookies…