I am considering back dating Das Werk’s 1/16 Stug III G to a Stug III f/8 by scratch building the superstructure. I like the lower more compact silhouette of F better than the taller more upright shape of the G.
Is there a good source that provides detailed drawings and dimensions of the superstructure for Stug III h/8? The shape of the roof seems fairly complex with many facets joining at shallow angles.
Also, i might convert the Stug to a StuH. is there good drawings of the breech of the 10.5 cm Howitzer?
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I think Hilary Doyle has Stug III F/8 plans in PanzerTracts No.8 and those would be the only plans I’d rely on for building.
I’d be sure lower hull checks out properly before scratch building. What sort of F/8 do you have in mind, early or late?
Might be of interest Missing Lynx: Stug III F/8 tunisia-early-or-late-version-t48759.html
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thanks, i will look into the lower hull configuration changes during F production. I like to reuse the original Das Werk lower hull and glacie plates if possible.