A-10 is an interesting bird. The prototype that crashed in Paris had an F-105 seat. Then they put ESCAPAC seats in it and then finally put the ACESII seat into it. the F-15A/B also used the same seat.
Starting with A-10A 79-0173 the A-10’s had ACESII seats. The rest of the fleet got them retrofitted. as an interesting side note the bird was named “The Full Armor of God” and is presently on display at the Bradley Airport in Connecticut at the New England Air Museum.
Basic layout of the A-10A TO 1A-10A 20 Feb 83
Dimensions of the A-10A seat as installed
While this is a T-46A seat, with the exceptions of the canopy breakers, they are the same. The A-10A breakers appear to be slightly smaller. Webber Photo.