Formula for real measurement to scale measurement

The UK sells most things in metric, sells beer in fluid ounces, and measures both speed and distance in miles. It only works if EVERYBODY is confused!..


How about the butter?
Did the UKIP crowd manage to get it packaged as a whole pound
or is it still 500 grams (half kilo)?

The Swedish artilleri, land and naval, used to measure in hectometers,
those were the days …

A few years back, an American friend of mine pointed out that Fahrenheit was more accurate than metric - we were in one of those “two friends taking the p*ss out of each for a laugh” phone calls - therefore Celsius served no purpose. He was in an all or none mood. I casually pointed out decimals, but also reminded him that we were talking about weather temperature, and that all one needs to know is what clothes to wear for the day, do I need a hat, should I bring an umbrella?
He responded with, “Good point.” We laughed.


divide 1 by your scale, it doesn’t matter what form of measurement you prefer, and the result is what that unit of measure is in scale.
For instance 1 divided by 72 = 0.0139 millimeters, inches, meters, feet, yard, furlongs, cubits. They are all just units. In common usage 1/72= 0.0139 mm, or inches. My main focus is 1/35 dioramas and I use this math exclusively. for me 1 inch is 0.0285 in 1/35 scale.


Or a Mac, or Linux …

On a Mac, just hit Command+spacebar to open the Spotlight search and type in your calculation, and this also works on an iPhone or iPad (though unless you have a physical keyboard, you will need to swipe down from the middle of the start screen instead of pressing Command+spacebar). For example:

And with iOS 18, you can even do it in any text field:

Notice the suggested substitutions in the grey bar at the bottom after I typed 292/72=.

Or in the Notes app:

The black text is what I actually typed, and after the = the yellow text is what it suggests as the outcome of the calculation. You can even do things like this in Notes:


Oh my, what if the King has no thumbs? :thinking: