Welkom Francois (or should that actually be François?)
I hope you can find here what you are looking for. There are a bunch of very knowledgable folks around here. Some do figs, some vehicles and some do planes⌠Never be afraid to ask ⌠You might even get answers
Itâs normal François, but everyone here just says swa, that makes it all a bit easier! As for the questions? I do have some, first let me figure out how the site works and where I can post some things. I mainly make military dioramas and small vignettes of WW2.
I donât think most of the blokes here know what you mean when you say Swa⌠Unless it is a abbreviation for your name⌠Then it also could be Suske
SuskeThat is something that has been said here, but by my wife when she is in a good mood or when she needs something!..
Oeh, that is nasty⌠So when she does so, you never know if that is a good or bad thing!
For us foreigners:
suske - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (darling)
Suske is also a diminutive form of Franciscus (Francois)
I am always interested in learning about other languages, my own is an obscure one from the northern edges of Europe.
It is also a well known character in a Belgian comic book series: Suske & Wiske. You call it Finn och Fiffi, if I am not mistakenâŚ
Apparently we do, although I havenât read it myself.
The Gaston comics was my favourite followed by Tintin and Spirou
Those are nice too. I grew up with all those comics and all are a completely different styleâŚ
Then I must be a saint! Speaking of Swedish, I donât understand a word of it!
Kuifje or the detective strips called Rick Ringers!
Rick Ringers was not my comic. Asterix however!
And nowadays DirkJan