Home alone photography

Okay, I’m home today, I’ve finished my dio and am thinking about the next one. In the interim, I sourced some internet photos that I thought would complement the photos I took of my diorama as background.
This is really addicting. What started as a whim turned into a several hour project.
This was the background that seemed to fit the best using various filters. Anyway, thought I’d share…


The B&W and sepia tone photos are very atmospheric. Somewhat haunting with the sense of destruction and desolation surrounding the lone soldier and the somber “hearse.”


The photography as with the dio are truly EXCELLENT!
You have totally captured the mood.

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So…I didn’t read the post and for a second I’m thinking… #1 why post this here and #2 why did the cameraman take so many pictures of the same scene, Hah… I guess that means you have a great eye for photos along with capturing a moment of battle not often seen. Very nice work

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