HQ 1st (British) Corps in the field c.1971 - 1:300 scale

It is probably not generally known that Dennis Wheatley (a prolific British author) when a member of the London Controlling Section (a strategic deception and planning organization) during the Second World War, identified Hermannsdenkmal as a target to be bombed and destroyed, in order to affect morale.

I suspect this was due to the monument being included in part of the nationalistic propaganda efforts during the First World War.

In any case, to me, during the time of my first posting, it always seemed to loom amidst the murk ot the forest and villages whenever we deployed. I never got to actually visit it until much later during a Divisional HQ posting in the early 90s, and by then I was boringly domesticated; it was of course, massive and hugely impressive, but the sheer enchantment of seeing it all those years ago in the 70s, as I glimpsed it from the back of a sodden Land Rover, seemed to have gone.