I’ve learned now, that I probably don’t need the cleaning solution and that the detergent is probably all I really need.
I’m using the basket because the manual wanted me to do this.
Every UC is probably different than others.
What is washing up liquid?
Just detergent or something?
What is MEK?
Here in the states, MEK, is methyl ethyl ketone, which is a potent solvent. It can dissolve styrene plastic and I have used it as a glue for styrene.
See post by Jack, @DAKjunkie, about MEK.
MEK is somewhat unhealthy but ethyl acetate will work just as good on styrene.
Sometimes it can also be found in the better assorted paint shops.
Ethylacetaat is also a component of acetone free nail polish remover.
Check the list of contents and buy the one with the highest content of Ethylacetaat
There’s a lot to be pleased with in the way that cammo paint job came out. It’s understandable that you may have some disappointments, and being your own hardest critic is essential to internalizing and learning from mistakes in order to improve future work.
However, the base coat appears to be uniform and without any runs or other major spraying mistakes. Perhaps you should consider it in comparison to your first attempt to airbrush a base coat on a model to see just how much better you’ve done this time.
To be sure, the camouflage stripes do have a few areas where it’s clear that you got some paint puddles (brown areas mostly on the turret), but you were able to dress up the edges of those spots to hide them pretty well. With weathering and other effects, those areas can be made to disappear.
What’s more important, though, to developing your airbrushing skills is that you were able to go back and immediately adjust your airbrushing technique to do a good job fixing those mistakes. Also, you didn’t make those same errors as you continued with the brown and then the green.
Finally, you resolved your issues about just how to interpret the painting instructions and incomplete color renders included in the kit instructions. The overall pattern is, IMO, perfectly prototypical.
So, many good things to be happy with here. Continue to be hard on yourself since that’s the firmest path to improvement. However, also take some satisfaction in the results and the improvements in your skills and knowledge as a model maker.
That came very nice. I like the finish.
Really not a bad job. As others have said there’s a lot to be positive about. One thing to keep in mind going forward as you learn and improve, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
Thanks for all the support so far, thank you.
I declare this project to be finished.
There might be some more to tell, but I’m a little short on time.
So feel free to ask in the comments and I will answer them.
This might be a slightly easier way for now instead of writing a whole story.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to make this a habbit.
I love it to write the story behind everything.
But, I don’t have the time now and I wanted to at least share the end result for all of you.
So enjoy watching this.
And don’t hesitate to comment.
it looks good to me, a little to clean and some weathering but i like it, well done indeed.
Well done!
Congratulations for finishing your Puma! I know you spent a lot of time researching the subject, trying new techniques, and using new tools in an effort to increase your model building skill. Those efforts paid dividends. Your Puma is very clean and well done.
Please pardon me for not seeing the conclusion of this project until now. Despite following your Puma from the start, the finale somehow escaped my notice.
As an aside, with regards the journal thing, I hit a serious snag but hope to fulfill that promise this coming week. It required going into old moving boxes.
Nice job mate - it’s a really precise, nicely executed build. Every single guy on this forum is looking at it and thinking “that’s a nice result” I guarantee that. Most of us armour freaks will also be looking at it and imagining what extra washes, mud, chipping, worn effects, grime, dust, rust, streaking, stowage, crew and about twenty other things we would add but that’s the beauty of what we do isn’t it? Individuality.
You are your own person and you give yourself a hard time over these builds and so It is nice to see you bring one to a really positive result here. You should be really happy with it. I struggle to get the levels of precision and clarity that you have here - my builds are almost always over-complicated, over-weathered, over-dramatised and over-done and yours is nicely executed. If it were mine it would look messier and more grimy but that’s me. I’m way too far down a very different rabbit hole to you hahahahaha
Nice job bud, I said this up-thread but the improvement you are showing model by model is astounding. Compare this to your early work on the FAMO (nothing wrong with it, but you take my point) and you’ve progressed enormously, and I’m not trying to patronise you here.
I am really looking forward to hearing what you have next on the bench as a project.
Thank you for taking the time to place a reaction, really appreciate it.
And especially after those topics I posted in the hope of getting some help with research I’m doing for my next project. The Italeri Sd. Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther with wintercrew.
I’m clearly beginning to see, it’s the subtle details and the little things that make a project really shine. Most people probably have to look for a long time to find it. But it’s really there.
Anyway, a short reply with some points that came up while reading your reply. Thank you again. And hope to see you following my next project log that will show up sometime in the future on this forum.