I see a lot of small changes all over it, but never heard of sliding the barrel back about five feet. For sure made them ride better. When I was going to track school, it was often pointed out that the barrels needed to have downward pressure to relieve the stress on the carriage when in a travel mode.
everyone I saw at Ft. Sill had the forward travel lock, but did not have the cradle under the carriage.
Every M107 I saw in RVN had the forward travel lock in one form or another (many were home brew). Roughly half the M107’s in Vietnam started life as an M110, and the same could be said about M110’s
That seems pretty early to me given it was introduced in '62.
Feldkanone 175mm M107 SF / Bundeswehr[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Bei der Bundeswehr wurde die M107 ab 1964 in die Feldartilleriebataillone der Artillerieregimenter der Heeresdivisionen eingeführt.
In den 1980er-Jahren wurde sie zur M110 umgerohrt oder ausgemustert.
Source: German Wikipedia
Ruhig, Alter. Das war eine Antwort auf Gino janz oben, der behauptete, die Kisten sind später angekommen.
Dann wäre es gut gewesen den Reply-Button von seinem Post zu nehmen. So sieht es so aus, Du hast mir geantwortet.
Am Rande: Bist Du nicht Amerikaner?
Ab und zu.
Mein Herz bleibt in Berlin, ee.
ah. OK. Das erklärt dann das perfekte Deutsch. Sorry, wenn meine Antwort ein wenig harsch 'rüberkam
Sowat hab ick noch nie gehoert - Berliner Deutsch - perfekt?
war ja kein Berlinerisch. Aber Du hast Recht. Ein Berliner mit perfektem Hochdeutsch ist schon eine Seltenheit… :-p
'komme aus S-H. Kann aber kein Platt, nur verstehen
Ich liebe Werner.
Hier der Kanal des “echten” Werners, Andi Feldmann, der Bruder von Rötger Feldmann.
ich glaube, das war jetzt genug OT
I first shot the M107 in early October 1967, and as I said the entire group of guns had no boxes on the spade, but did have the travel lock upfront. We also had M110’s, and they relied on the cradle underneath the carriage. Shot M107’s mostly, but did shoot the M110 a little bit. The boxes may have been an update that came into play later. Did you happen to notice the two different styles of 175 barrels? We used the long skinny one
just want to say I thought I was having a stroke and couldn’t figure out why what i was reading made no sense to me then I realized you guys had switched to German and stopped trying to hit the 911 button on my phone.
Vänta bara tills vi börjar prata svenska.
My Danish is barely good enough to think that has something to do with waiting to speak Swedish.
Lots of good Swedish films and series on Netflix.
The Finnish ones though - oof. I know немного русского языка , and a bit of Scandinavian languages, but Finnish isn’t even close.
Too bad Sweden never used the M107. It would look good ina splinter pattern.
All these clever folk being multilingual, while some of us are barely competent in one…
Ah Tom, I fully sympathise; please note that after several gins I am fluent in absolute bo**ocks.
Swedish, German, English, French