M54A2 Quad .50 Guntruck "Easy Rider"

I have started another project. This one will be a US Army convoy escort guntruck in Vietnam. It will be one of the quad .50 armed guntrucks known as “Easy Rider”.

These guntrucks were modified M54A2 trucks with an M55 Quad .50 cal ADA trailer mounted in the bed. They were used to escort and defend convoys against ground attack.

“Easy Rider” decals are available from Star Decals.

Easy Rider Star Decals 2

I have started on the trucks using the AFV Club M54A2 truck.

I will also be using the Dynamo Models M55 Quad .50 cal kit which has 3-D printed parts to bring it up to Vietnam-era specs.

More info on it here:

So far I have the frame and cab in the works. The AFV Club kit is very detailed and complete. I also had no issues assembling it so far.

More later.