Now this is a huge surprise for me.
There are resin and 3-D printed MRZR offerings, but I believe that the best way to go is plastic, and being so small, having two MRZRs per kit is ideal.
The MRZR isn’t a modern Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV); however, the Magic Factory kit can be made into one, especially for special operations forces. And having the side mounted machine guns and extra weapons set included is more than ideal. The trailer and C-UAS RADA radars really pushes the multipurpose usage and bonuses of this kit. Add cargo, Stinger and Javelin missiles, and other accessories, and you can really have a lot of eye candy details and accessories for such a small kit.
And it can be used for Post-Apocalyptic, Arctic, EOD, engineer, desert, jungle, special operations forces, USMC, and allies. You must be a government or military representative to purchase Polaris military products so I don’t think that the MRZR can be made into civilian usage.
I’m totally in for one!