Nefer’s vignettes and dioramas

Single thread for all my small dioramas and vignettes

First one is still WIP, 12th SS Hitlerjugend in Normandy. Panzer is scratchbuild/kit bash, mainly old Academy/Tamiya parts.

Figures are altered Alpine miniatures


Very impressive work on a small, tight scene like that. Reminds me of various ‘wedgies’ that some companies make with just a portion of a vehicle or building. Your piece is a lot better detailed and the layout makes the figures a nice focal point between wall and tank.


Impressive modeling. Good use of angles in the composition.

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I love these little scenes. Like a snapshot in time. Good way to use up any half built AFVs you have lying around. Excellent job so far!


thank you, I am glad you like it

And another one from me…

Panzer III from Afrikakorps. The kit is Academy, with aftermarket barrels (RB, Pontos) and tracks (RFM). The kit builds well, but lacks few details and is rather simpified when it comes to hatches and turret doors. Academy also provides wrong tracks type out of the box (full horn)


Some nice half finished models here Nefer, but are you afraid to show us the build process in case someone finds a fault.

Another WIP german armour from me.

The kit is very well known Tamiya’s early Panzer IV ausf. H (kit #35209)

I originally wanted to have a straight-forward build and use decals provided by Tamiya for tank #633 from 2nd Panzer Division, but I have found a single photo of #633 where it’s apparent that it’s rather late G than early H. The biggest difference being earlier schurzen type + multiple minor differencies like antenna position, 2 headlights and others.

I have tried to adress this and made some other minor changes. Made few errors myself, for example I used additional 30mm armor plate from the kit, whereas the real tank had probably the one with cut-out for drivers periscopes.

The only original photo I could find.

Some other Panzer IV from same unit. The shield emblem is the reason I chose the marking


And StuG III from Tamiya. Kursk 1943


I am adding another project - turning Panzer Lehr’s 251/1 into tiny diorama. Bought this old Dragon figures to bring some life into it. The figures definitely show their age, but I think they will do


I have started adding some figures and worked a bit on vegetation.


Excellent job on that half track Nefer. Your ground work is excellent as well. Great job converting those figures.


Sorry I’m late here, I found a second photo of 633 in this book…

Not saying the last photo is 633 but nice to see the emblem close up.

Cheers, great thread.


Excellent, thank you!

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