New 3D Printer

I recently purchased a 3D printer and am just getting started with learning to create. I bought the Bambu A1 with the AMS Lite spool holder.


My first print was to make a stand to hold my WIP models.


I believe most craftsmen first use their tools to make more tools to use with their tools, right? I think the first thing I built was a work table to put my table saw on.

When I got my first X-Acto knife as a teen, one of the first things I did was use it to try and carve out a holding pouch for it in my thigh.


I believe that is true. I got a jobsite table saw for Christmas and am current building an expanding outfeed table for it.


I got my first “battle scar” when I was 7. Five stitches in my left index finger from a #11 blade. What were my parents thinking?

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That’s a fancy stand ya got there, Tim!

I’ve got the same printer and AMS. I got it right before the holidays and have just finished printing the last of the must-have mods for it! I’m looking forward to seeing what else you can do with it!

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:

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