Nina Dolono by Designer Yasushi Nirasawa resin cast figure kit

there is a degree of play in the wrist joints, so a trial assembly of arm to shoulder and hand to wrist very much needed here. She’s looking more Ann Bolyne than Vampirella.


the right arm is extended and the index finger has a lug on it to take a Bat, a pet Bat.

the boots are made up from three parts left and right upper and sole including the high heel. I can see the join line needs sanding to make it invisible.

you can better see the join in the left boot here, where it catches the light, so far a comfortable build, If anyone is thinking of doing one of these X plus kits, I’d say dive right in, something a bit different from Spitfires and Sherman tanks. After this I’m Building a Lancaster Grand Slam, so it’s
a refreshing change to make this.


Here is something that arrived on my doorstep today that will not require flesh tones, metal tones of course. Great packaging, and no Biggles50, not distracting myself this time and opening this up, it will stay sealed until it’s time to make it, the Lancaster Grand Slam is in the que first. Nice packaging though.

C’mon…just a tiny peek? :wink: :joy:
:smiley: :canada:

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There you go Biggles50, the next kit in line, image doesn’t include PE and resin aftermarket collected for the build :smile: They built quite a few of these in Canada.

Some Tamiya fine primer from a spray can.


:thinking: :joy: :joy: :joy:
:smiley: :canada:

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Doing a Mary Queen of Scots with her head and hair seperated from her body still, but, the skin tones are looking ok to me.

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Looks good mate … What was the skin process ?

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  • get as much as you can ! ( skin )
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I used the life colour human flesh set, went dark, light, lighter, all airbrushed. The red, erm… clothing, if you can call it that, skimpy as it is, is brush painted Army Painter Dragon blood red, (she’d approve) first of two coats of that. Face after that, the head and feet to base are dry fits.


Those flesh tones look bloody good!!

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Thanks John, yes, I’m pleased the way they worked out, I’ve learnt a lot about figure painting doing this kit, admittedly, the face was easier to do than 1/35th scale faces of course, but you can’t argue with a bit of training. The Pet Batt and the Batt earings still to work.

The base up soon, I’m going to have a bit of fun painting this, plenty of washes for those craggy areas and the skulls.


the schurzen with horizontal scratches from the rubble in the Narrow ruined streets of Caen.

next some decals before another stage of weathering.

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I seem to have put the Pz4 on here by mistake. oh well, here’s the base with stage 1 paint effects.

more to come on this area.

She is finished, She will be removed from her base and placed back in her Coffin/kit box till I order glass for her case.

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Looking very Vampish … :+1:

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the 60’s era kit of Vampirella, unsure who Aurora and later Moebius were targeting as their prime kit makers, the artwork looks nothing like the kit, snap together! so was it kids, Little Hubert would be very disappointed that his kit didn’t look anything like the box art, pre trade description act, different times.

So on the subject of female figures from sci fi and Horror, I’m including Maschinen Mensch to my collection, quite a simple to build kit, from what I’ve seen online, the assembly is simple but success is with the painting and displaying is all, a sci fi movie model maker ones said, “a great miniature can be spoiled with a bad paint job, but an ok model can be made outstanding with a good one”

this kit from X plus Models looks amazing…

the box top open and it’s full of parts.
