Operation "Epsom" details

Great pic! Thanks for posting.Interesting in that the one guy still sports the older looooong bayonet and the other guy has an Italian SMG.



Jerry, is an Italian SMG an acronym for Small Male Genitalia as it certainly doesnā€™t stand out like the other fellows weapon, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Cheers, :beer:,


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you might be on to something there!

Since you guys seem to know Italian , is the word innuendo Italian for Preparation H ?

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Luckily for you this isnā€™t that ā€œother placeā€ or that statement would get you a 30.

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The 3 iterations of putty so far on "Mutt and Jef


I will toss this shot into the mix. Some perspective distortion but this really shows differences in human size. New Mexico Trinity Test site.


Part shameless plug and part massive thanks and admiration to AFV magazine today. The plug part is they published the first 4 episodes of my graphic novel. It is available online and in print. The article if purchased alone is about a buck, I think.
The thanks and admiration part goes to the excellent editing and graphics done with the article. It uses period graphics and fonts amoungst other things to really make it leap right out of the way I originally imagined it to look! And I never talked with them about it. I just sent the pics and narrative. Remarkable work on their part really.
OK then, soapbox time over. Back to regular programing,


Something else to be aware of is the ā€œfitā€ of BD. Generally it ā€œfit where it touchedā€! Thereā€™s an old joke about a soldier being issued a complete set of BD that fitted perfectly. He had to be demobbed of course, he was completely deformed!

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What a original modeling idea Jerry!

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Congrats Bro on the graphic novel !!!
Well deserved for all your labors !!!

Your new Bud and Lou figures are looking the part , beautifully done .

Nice work dude, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for the article :slight_smile:

Thanks Dan! Glad you liked it.

Thanks buddy. Long time cominā€™,

Itā€™s in issue number119. You can also download just my article if you donā€™t want the whole edition.

Iā€™ll get a copy of the whole mag in due time :slight_smile:

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More on Mutt and Jeff

I included a shot of the backside so you can see the beginning of the construction of the empty canteen webbing. The bren pouches need some trimming back as well so they match the ones ā€œMuttā€ is sporting. The first coat of paint helps me see flaws that need smoothing,etc.



Jerry, same here in Oz, I posted on Facebook how disgusting it was that there was nothing on tv (except for one news station that showed the only American Vet at Omaha in a 20 second snippet on Australian news). So disappointing, but at least guys like us here will never forget wether through modelling and talking about it until I die. Amen to those who climbed into a cockpit, manned a conning tower or changed the barrel on a number ones gun in France in 1944.

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The work on these is incredible

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Airborne all the way brother.