Good information, tack själv, Matlev. From another form it was said that “For colour, all 5th Light arrived in Tripoli in dark grey paint. The introduction of the Tropen Scheme no.1 occurred March 17”, as I originally noted.
So that being said, 25 Panzer I arrived in Tripoli between March 10 to 11, 1941 assigned to PzR 5. Another 4 between 18 to 21 March, 1941 assigned to PzJg Abt. 605 and another 25 on the 10 of May, 1941 assigned to PzR 8, for a total of 54 in North Africa by May. I will assume that if modelling a PzR 5 or 8 Panzer I, then it will most certainly be RAL 8000 over 7021, but I am still confused of the tropen scheme, (i.e. RAL 8000 with one third RAL 7008) being present on Panzer I. I would assume that if the vehicle wasn’t destroyed and lasted into the summer (as my model will depict, July 1941), then they would have conformed to the Inspectorate 2 (supplies pending)?
I guess the safe bet is a RAL 7021 basecoat with an appropriately weathered RAL 8000 top coat, as everyone else does.