Questionable clothes

You sure? That show is entering its third season and Putin is still star of the show. The investors are making money hand over fist.

The thing with tee shirts is that if it has something printed, or written, on it your eyes are instantly, pathologically, draw to said image or word.

First Tee shirt story.
It was a stunning summer’s day and I’m walking downtown on my way some where. Walking towards me was a young woman (neither attractive, nor not-unattractive) with writing on her shirt. Her tee shirt had, “I’m up here” written across her chest with a large arrow pointing up. Your eyes go to the writing, then the arrow, then to her icy glare, as she “catches you”. I called foul play. Entrapment. Very poor form. It was so pathetic I laughed.

Second tee shirt story.
You ever have one of those days where something just sets you off? It starts with a “huh”, then a snorting giggle, and quickly escalates to tears and uncontrolable laughter. But you are in a public place so you are gasping for air because you are about to look like a lunatic if you loosen what little grip on your self control you still have. And to be clear, there is no ryhme nor reason why some insignificant thing causes you a fit of hysterical laughter; it just does. At least to me. Anyway…

My wife and I are in this small shop that sold tee shirts with catchy phrases and picures on them, and candles, and small things (no idea if they sold candles, they probably did, ya know?). The first tee shirt says, “the voices in my head don’t like you.” I start giggling. The second tee shirt said, “Jesus loves you but I’m his favorite.” Slow exhales to keep from bursting… The third tee shirt was the word NARCISSIST - backwards. I was on the verge of a full on meltdown. The final tee shirt only came in childrens sizes. It had a print of that famous photo of Che Guevara. The one with the beret. Everybody knows that photo (certainly everybody of a certain generation or so). Written under the photo was, “I have no idea who this guy is.” I was gone. My wife is looking at me and just smiling and shaking her head. The staff kept their distance.

I bought tee shirt number four and sent it to my cousin who had a three year old at that time. I sent it to him (this was before smart phones) for the joke, not to add to his kids wardrobe. The next time I spoke to him, I asked if he had a good chuckle? He paused and, sincerely, asked, “About that, who is that guy?”. Wasn’t kidding.


I was walking down the street with one of my friends. Coming toward us was an ‘extra size’ woman wearing a ‘Guess’ t-shirt. Quick as a flash, my friend turns to me and says, “I’d say too much food or thyroid issues”. I held it in until, after she had passed, he said…“and did you see? She is wearing a g-string. From the back it was like watching someone drawing fishing line through wet clay…” I lost it… public lunatic #1


The producers keep running the show even though the audience hates it and the actors keep disappearing so that they have to recruit and train new actors all the time. The props also break down constantly so they have to bring in new props all the time. The props storage can still deliver replacements but they are having to use older and older items and those need more repairs before they can be put on stage.

More T-shirt fun.
I live in Sweden, we had a summerhouse that we rented out to German tourists.
One family, the father was overweight (almost obese) came to our home to ask about something.
Before they came they had been to our small town and done some shopping.
They had also bought T-shirts. The father was wearing one with the text “Får Ej Matas”.
This text is common in zoos, telling the public that it is not allowed to feed the animals
(Feeding prohibited??). In German it would be something like 'Darf nicht gefüttert werden".

Anyhow, they turn up on our lawn, he proudly wearing his brand spanking new yellow
T-shirt with black text prohibiting feeding.
We smile and ask them if they know what the text means.
No, they don’t know.
We tell them.
The family, all of them, break out in hysterical laughter because now they understand why
everyone they met while shopping had been giving them such huge smiles :grin:

I wonder if that shop assistant was able to keep a straight face when selling that T-shirt …
It was 50 years ago so I guess I will never find out …


“Star” of the show?? Well, I guess we know who you like! :scream: :-1:
:smiley: :canada:

How is he not the star? He’s the performer everyone talks about.

And to be honest I don’t care for either country, but I know which one is winning.

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Stupidest sh!t-show on earth.
Featuring V Putin as the leading star
with a supporting cast of assorted Generals
also lots of wrecked equipment and close to
Five hundred Thousand disposable extras

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They could try to market it as a modern take on “War and Peace” and maybe get Netflix to air it.


:+1: :grin:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

More like “War and Pieces” with all the H.E. flying around…



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I used to have this on a T-shirt I picked up in Boston.



Putin only wants a little peace,
just like this guy:


That photograph has been doctored. The Roland d-50 was not invented until the 1990’s. :joy:


Yes, definitely listen to Sabaton.

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Yep, Battle Beast too.

I was once a newspaper music reviewer. Got tons of vinyl, CDs and cassettes for free.

I’m a Metal aficionado and I also buy a lot of CDs. I also tend to be a completist, so if I like an artist, I buy every CD in their catalog.

Side note: those of you who are avid CD listeners, you ought to consider purchasing the SMSL SU-1 DAC. About $79 and just stunning sound. Employs the AK4493 chip plus a LME49720 opamp for the analog output.

I was on the fence initially, but I like it so much, I bought two. Retired my more expensive modified DAC as well.


@M70 , would you perhaps classify yourself as an audiophile?


While I have done things such as restore vintage receivers, speakers, rebuilt and modified a 12AU7 tube preamp I run after my DAC, I would say “no” in the elitist context of what the term has become.

Self-declared “audiophiles” are often conspicuously and dramatically horrified at inexpensive gear — it can’t possibly sound good.

Furthermore, CDs are frequently dismissed as déclassé; only vinyl rates as “audiophile.” Which is a fairly delicious irony given that the Golden Eared Olympian Gods never realized that king’s ransom-costing Mobile Fidelity vinyl was sourced from … digital. :flushed: Somehow their finely tuned ears never detected that. D’OH!

So again, not really.


:+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Do you remember the hype about using felt tip pens to darken the edges of CD’s to avoid quality losses due to laser light escaping?



I have read posts prior to the MoFi debacle in which the bat-eared insist they can always detect any digital source. Oops…

Vinyl is great and I have a lot, but the fact is that its touted “warmth” is from unavoidable distortion artifacts in playback.

Furthermore, as described, it’s a steadily collapsing medium in that as the stylus tracks closer to the center, it traverses less and less of groove, compromising sound quality. Granted, to many, this blasphemy.

To me, CD is superior. No groove wear, no compromised sound quality, much greater dynamic range, no clicks and pops, no elaborate rituals prior to listening, just fire it in and done. Play it a thousand times and sounds the same as the first time.