Scale Modeling as Art?

Definitely modeler for sure. We all have had to adjust pieces, add or remove material etc to make them fit and work. An assembler would not do that. If a piece isn’t to spec they drop it in the reject bin and grab another new part.

I think this covers it :slight_smile:


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Your killin me … Cant stop laughing . I will forever see this picture in my head when you post

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I think that I arrested that guy for tagging… :thinking:


@Stikpusher. Are you a L E O?

I was. I retired last year after 31 years, right before all the madness started… lucky timing


My oldest son in law is a L E O. He just transfered from a city to a county. You know from blues to browns . I like it better with him in the county.

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Tell him to stay safe and be smart out there… from a retired Deputy. :wink:
I worked for the county but in the city… only saw country areas during natural emergencies in those areas… fires, floods, mudslides, etc.


Why arrest? Couldn’t you just have emptied his spray cans inside his trousers?

I think art has to do with intent. If you have a lamp and it broke, you pitch it out, it is now trash. If I find your broken lamp in the trash and I take it and use it in creating an art piece it becomes art. One mans trash is another mans art.


<-== Like my new avatar?


I could have done that, but…… I did want to keep my job so that now I can get paid to not show up to work and build models as much as I like for the rest of my life :wink:

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Armor buff im diggin the new avatar… It makes me laugh everytime i see it


That Avatar reminds me of that scene in the movie colors when Sean Penn catches that kid tagging and he spray paints his face


Colors… great movie…


@Stikpusher. One of my favorites

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Yup Colors is an incredible movie that doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Love Duval in everything he does.



I spent 18 years policing in Canada. 7 years Regional in Northern Quebec and 11 years at a university in southern Ontario until a unforgiving day early in my career caught up with me bestowing me with Parkinson’s.

I had let my guard down as we went to pick up a colleague that had gotten drunk and supposedly had passed out in a bad place. What we weren’t aware of was the “mescaline “ that had come into the community earlier in the day. He had gotten into it also we didn’t carry firearms and I was one of the first trained and issued the ASP baton and because some of us were going on a course with the Rcmp in Iqaluit I happened to be in town and tried to give the guys some down time as they were being left short handed for two weeks while we were on course. Unfortunately he apparently was having problems and was likely trying to force me into a head strike because I was supposed to be alone that night but another friend decided to work with me. We were all course mates at the academy. It took a additional officer who had the habit of monitoring the radio as of course no dispatchers so no one to notice we were in trouble. It took 3 of us to get him cuffed in the initial attempt I got head butted. I only had time to say he’s awake and we’re ducked before it went sideways. Once at cells we got him into a isolation cell and with bare feet kicking the door he damaged it enough to jammed it so it couldn’t be unlocked I order for us to go in and stop him from hurting himself. I ended up with a few hours in hospital but because I had fought through the blackness and I didn’t pass out they figured no concussion :face_with_head_bandage: and back then no x-rays were done and traumatic brain injury wasn’t a thing so 2 weeks on course and back to my community and right back to work so the grey matter didn’t get the down time they give today.

Although he did survive the night it wasn’t a intervention without consequences for all of us. He eventually did lose his job a few years later after apparently either breaking a minors arm or coming close to it, the fellow who was able to hold him, I’ve been told stopped working the streets and became a court’s officer/liaison since that night roughly 24 years ago.

For me the cost was much more sneaky and insidious as my personality started to change over the months following leaving my future wife wondering why I was more temperamental than prior to the injury! After going through 20+ years after that night we learnt that the Parkinson’s elf had visited and I had spent a unknown amount of time suffering from a unknown number of micro seizures that have left their mark also on me and both pretty much a non existent short term memory and a severely damaged long term memory.

But as I tell my sons that never had the opportunity to know how I had been before that night when as a young man you play hard eventually the piper comes collecting the price for allowing you to play hard and fast figuring that your going to have lots of time for getting the things you want to do done! The piper came a calling when I was 45. We only found out a few years ago what it was but only after 2 severe seizures that hospitalized me for quite some time that they thought was epilepsy after a month of testing proving it was something else, still took another 2 years before I finally got to the right doctor to tell me what it is. So we’ve spent the last 5 1/2 years adjusting to my new normal and making adjustments as I continue to change temperament wise.

Fortunately I’ve been blessed with a fantastic family and a wife I really don’t deserve but she’s stood by me for the last 24 years and has looked after me for the last 10 without understanding what or why. I am blessed as she’s tolerated my modeling obsession/addiction without to much complaining as long as I support her sewing :thread: and other crafts she likes. Even not complaining when we had to return North because we couldn’t keep the house because of the game’s disability insurance companies play trying not to pay out the coverage you pay for while working. The first 5 years of forced retirement were really hard to get used to then we adopted my daughter at birth 5 years ago and she brought the sunshine back to my life.

With covid I experienced the first time since they forced me out to actually be happy about not policing anymore as I really didn’t want to risk bringing something like that home. I had always had the narrow view that a needle stick, HIV or hepatitis would really only affect me not them. I never thought about the emotional toll me getting sick would cause! Now I’m living that short sightedness with Parkinson’s everyday sometimes with very nasty outbursts that I don’t even realize I’ve had.

So still learning but modeling for me has now become my main therapy because for 8 months of the year it’s to darn cold :cold_face: to do anything outside in an uninsulated shack. My wife let me have one of the bedrooms as a model room that I’ve recently had to move into because my daughter who’s shared our room starts school in August and I don’t want to disturb them with my uncontrollable movements at night and a bladder that hates me these days! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry for the book didn’t mean to write it sometimes I just have to follow where my mind takes me now.

So Art or not ? Definitely a really good therapist!


Life is not always fair. I am sorry you are having to go through all of this with the toll it takes on you and your family. I hope the enjoyment you get from modeling is helpful. I hope we as a modeling community can be of some help or support for you. I know when I have had an aggravating week I end up seeking solace in the forums. It’s good for me and I hope for you to.

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@Succubus @TopSmith . i will need to read yalls comments again , to process . That is a incredible account , so sorry you had delayed treatement. It sounds like we need to talk more.
Do you find that you can function almost normally when your alone and quiet.