Some Wagner pics in Rostov

VPK-59095S “VPK-Ural”


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Merci beaucoup sir!

A poster in one photo advertises the Rostov Circus for April 29. (???)

They put up posters and then leave the cleaning to someone else.
Same in Sweden with political posters, posters about events et.c.
They get put up and then left to the weather to remove them after a
year or so. A couple of days ago I removed a poster about some
manifestation to be held on the first of May (Labour Day in Sweden)

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and it all came to nothing,

All sizzle, no steak. Very disappointed. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Tough crowd! I thought it was a fairly good pantomime – passable acting, fast moving. Not enough songs though, maybe the reason the audience left early. Three stars.


That’s just act 1. Lets see if there is an act 2.

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Looks like the circus just was late, that’s all.



Maybe the circus performers got “recruited” to army service …

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Cae\reful, there are fifty Клоуны ready to spring out of the Bukhanka!
:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Just to clarify, this is a T 80BV for ‘basic vanilla’, not some funky variant?

In germany the posters have to be gone in time after the event by them who brought them out. After elections for example it takes almost two days and the most stuff is gone

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In NZ, it is law that election material is removed prior to the election, but bills advertising anything else can be, and frequently are, left to fade out. Back to tanks…

and complimentary video, all a bit of a lark. As one pundit described it, like a union strike.

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When I lived in California there was some politicians “Vote for Me” banner hanging up down the street from me … for about 8 years!! Here in Reno , not sure if it’s a city reg, county or state , they have to have all the campaign stuff down with in 20 days of the election or the politician gets fined … per sign left up.


When I come to Power they’ll be fined for putting them up.


Strange action, but some good pictures…:thinking:

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These photos are a great help with my T-80.