Strongest white glue

Maybe. I haven’t bought any more Gator Grip since I figured out that it’s the same thing as artist acrylic gel medium, only in a smaller bottle.

I’ve got large tubs and tubes of the acrylic gel medium already, so no need to resupply with the Gator Grip branded product. I just refill their bottle (which is a convenient size for the workbench) with fresh gel medium from a tub.

The acrylic gel medium has many uses, to include as an adhesive. Basically, it’s tube acrylic paint without the pigment.

It can be used in water and ice effects on bases. I’ve made icicles out of it by dipping clear thread and clear stretched spue into it - increase the size by repeated dipping like making candles. It can be added to acrylic paint to make semi-transparent glazes (picture painters often brush it over paintings to add simulated brush mark textures). You can add dry pigments to it to make a custom acrylic paint color that is a perfect match for the dry pigments (keeping in mind that it will dry glossy and the final color saturation will by much higher than the dry pigment).

You can thin it with water to make it less viscous, but once dry, it’s water-proof and will not re-dissolve like PVA.

BTW, artist matt acrylic medium also works quite well as a light to medium duty adhesive. It also works quite well as a pigment “fixer” since it dries flat. It can also be mixed with dry pigments to make a “mud slurry” that will dry dead flat - no sheen. Add more medium or thin it with water and you can also make a custom pigment colored paint. However, you can add too much water to to it, and if it’s over-thinned, it can dry “frosty” white rather than clear flat (unless you’ve added dry pigments; it then dries with that color).

The artist matt medium’s best use is as an additive to make your own thinner for acrylic paints, like Vallejo Model Colors. I mix my own using 1:1 acrylic matt medium and water and then add 5% by volume, each acrylic drying retarder and flow aide. I keep this in a bottle on my painting bench to thin acrylics for hand-brushing.

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