Kurt this sounds like you are trying to insult or alienate most of the people on the forun
"Yeah, I’m not going to do that, or rather, I’m not going let any more nitwittery, hypocrisy, or ridiculousness pass than I already do.
I am happy to add information when I have it on the hope that information will be given to me when I need it. If someone passes my posts by simply because I wrote them, that’s a loss to them, not me. It sounds pretty stupid to me to spite yourself and pass up something you need because you don’t like the guy speaking. And it’s not like one has to dig and scratch to find the nuggets in the ore; it’s pretty easy to find the information in my posts. (In contrast to a great number of posts from Really Positive People, here and elsewhere, who drown whatever it is they are trying to say in a sauce of blather, cheery asides, inside jokes, irrelevant information, hare-brained opinions, and utterly atrocious writing, grammar, and punctuation.)
But hey, you have to at least give me credit for doing it under my real name, don’t you, TopSmith?
Doing this like walking into a Catholic pub and insulting the Pope. It is just sturring the pot.
If you are courious to who I am, just click on my icon.
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Is this tape over rivets on the side?
This is the best Tamiya Sheridan, my Rc 1/16:
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It looks like sheet that has been embossed on the backside with a tool. This was the way it was done before Archer rivet decals and separately molded rivets were available, or when you needed 10,000 rivets, like on an HO box car.
It’s not too far off the mark for an M551 hull; the riveting on that was more restrained than on say, an M3 medium tank.
The OP was talking about the various kit kits of the M551 over the years and their varying dimensions and their varying reputations. I found it difficult to find definitive dimensions for the vehicle (i.e. dimensioned drawings rather than ambiguous tables of values) and was only able to come up with good data for the width.
The overall length is likely valid too, it’s just hard to know what all is included.
Perhaps someone with the various kits in hand could measure the hull width and put to rest which of the model configurations - if any - are right.
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You seem surprised about this. I have not changed since I got on the internet 24 years ago, and have publicly stated as much the whole time.
I added those rivets to .005 Evergreen styrene with my “riveting tool.” I used to do scratch built tanker cars and water towers this way back when model railroading was more my thing than armor modeling. I just added the sheets to the side of the Tamiya hull. I wish I had used brass shim - it would have eliminated some of the the crazing from the liquid cement attacking the very thin styrene. Perhaps not 100% accurate, but far better than the original kit. After painting and dry brushing it looked the part.
This is the best Tamiya Sheridan, my Rc 1/16:
Nice. It appears to be quite an improvement over their original kit (solid covers on rear for instance) rather than a pantographed scale up of the original kit. Unfortunatley Tamiya’s 1/25 Centurion wasn’t much of an improvement on their 1/35 kit, although ultimately they are fun to build as well.