U.S army M60A1 "Certain sentinel",Reforger c.1979

Hi guys.
Another of my Frankentank builds.This time a U.S army M60a1 during the Reforger exercise in 1979.Base kit is Esci IDF M60A1 and Tamiya 105mm main gun.The turret basket proved easier this time as ive been getting fair bit of practice.Im mounting a Hoffman device on the main gun and also the IR/White light AN/VSS searchlight on the mantlet.Forget the kit tracks in these kits.The Esci and Italeri reboxes have just awful tracks.Bitch to put together and end up one track link short if you follow instructions.Im going to use a set of AFV Club T142 tracks.Never used these before so could be lets say interesting.
Thanks for looking.


My inspiration picture


The AFV tracks are my go-to items for M48/60 series builds.


Ditto^^ The AFV Club M48/M60 tracks are the best in my opinion as well. Easy to build and look great when done.

Your M60A1 is looking great so far. I am assuming you still have the turret grab rails to add?


Do the AFV Club tracks have knock out pin marks to remove? I have a set buried in my stash I think but have not looked at them.


Hi Gino.
Yep ive just been attending to the grab rails and a few other bits n pieces.Tracks tommorow.
Cheers from Richard


Yes you are sadly correct.See if i can get out of filling all them knock out marks.If i have to fil them all i shall be going insane by the end hehe.


Nice, love me some M60 tanks :grimacing::+1:t3:


Very nice job so far Richard

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To be honest whenever I’ve used them I’ve sanded off only those that show; the roadwheels cover a fair few. Life is a bit a short sometimes(!)

On a slightly separate note - a Cold War MBT? What’s not to like!


Thanks kindly.

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Thanks Brian.I think you have a good plan there.Just fill what links are visible.I shall crack on with them tommorow.I used to have Bronco T142s but boy they are fiddly.Several parts just to make one link.Drove me loopy.I must get these m60s done and crack on with some Leopards or maybe a Cent.
Cheers pal.


The beauty of the AFV Club ones is that you can just clip on the end-connectors a sort of sprue-length at a time, which makes it all quite simple.

The plastic they’re made of is a bit iffy though, sanding it sometimes seems to almost fluff it up; anyway, good luck with it all.

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Cheers Brian.The plastic looks a bit soapy and not like usual kit styrene.Got to be easier then the abysmal kit ones.They are just b awful big time.


Well bit the bullet guys and made a start on the Afv Club T142 individual link replacement tracks.The instructions state no cement as they are workable.Well the end connectors dont always stay in place and i think when wrapped around the roadwheels,Idler and sprocket then i think the carpet monster will benefit from them falling off.I only made links of 4 at a time to keep the end connectors flat and not all over the show.Long way to go.Did think about leaving one link open and paint tracks and join them as a loop by drilling last link and inserting a piece of wire.Failing that im going to just get them on the tank and spray in place.Paint what you can see is my motto.Or go Steve Zaloga route and spray all lower hull in various tones of brown to simulate dirt and dust.

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I find the end connectors to hold just fine. I build eight links at a time and build a full track for each side. I paint them and slide them onto the tank, then use the final end connector to attach them, no issues. I have not found a need for metal pins or anything else to be added. They stay together fine just by track tension.

Hang in there Richard - I’m sure they’ll work out; in other words if someone as ham-fisted as me can get a result - I’m sure anybody can(!)

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Hi Gino.
Seems some of the end connectors are snug and some loose.I will plough on and see how it goes.If need be a tiny bit of Tamiya extra thin could be the way to go My ageing hands arent what they used to be.Sausage fingers i hear them cry!!!.I wont let them beat me.Thanks for dropping by.


Oh you have hit the nail on the head Brian.Mr Ham finger sausage finger me thinks.I made a jig from plastic beam and it holds the links together a bit easier then trying to hold links together and push end connectors on.Ive got four boxes of the blasted things for my other m60s.Think i will not be doing anymore for awhile to preserve my sanity.Got 2 Leopards begging to be finished.But ive a feeling ive got some Takom Indy links for them somewhere arhhhhhhh.


I actually have delicate, clerical, sensitive fingers (all that typing!) but I have found that age impacts and until quite recently, my joints started really hurting. I haven’t had arthritis formally diagnosed (getting to see anybody medical in the UK these days is akin to a Herculean labour), but someone tipped me off that Turmeric can alleviate the pain. I was staggered to find it actually works. Still doesn’t quite cut through the dexterity issue I sometimes find myself needing in the modelling world though.

Anyway, apologies for turning this into an old man’s ailments hijack(!)