Mormons are there too.
Mormons in Outer Space, now there’s a project for the South Park team!
Well, this one picked up steam fast. Looks like it’s a GO!
Dodge Dips for units? How old is this movie? (Chevys are mid 80s, I think.)
Pegasus Area 51 UFO converted to X-COM Firestorm
Work began with a complete demolition of the old, scratch built interior. This was painful in more ways than one. My first self inflicted stabbing of the year is out of the way. Yay, me.
I am still not sure how to approach the interior of this vehicle. It requires a cockpit, 4 landing gear wells, 4 landing gear, and two internal weapon hard points. The curvaceous shape precludes the use of simple boxes. My spare parts bin contained 8 return roller wheels from a Panzer III so the immediate problem of landing gear wheels is solved.
As an aside, if built out of the box, this is an easy and fast model with a very good overall shape. Details are soft. It is very easy to light.
Pegasus Area 51 UFO converted to X-COM Firestorm
The upper saucer now has a fenced off area for the cockpit. My test pilot is sitting on a box at approximately the correct position to fly the aircraft. He will be surrounded by machinery that protects him from high G forces.
A section of the lower saucer is also fenced in. This will become the weapon bay for a pair of plasma beam projectors that work like pop out missile launchers on modern fighter aircraft.
This project will require a lot of custom decals so I better start early. The fonts above very closely match those used for the original game, plus a few more for other purposes. All of these markings will appear on Firestorm in some form.
I got a very old NOS 1:72 ferret from Italeri in my stash, If someone need one i let her go ( Germany / Europe ) .
Another build idea:
Twilight Zone, The Invaders (Spoiler Alert)
Great decal application on that rough, dry overspray, surface
This will be my entry to start
Welcome aboard!
That is a fun little model. Many variations of the TR-3B, the basis for the model, appear in conjectural artwork. Some modern sources claim dimensions for the TR-3B making it the size of an aircraft carrier.
I am on! Let me see what I have in my stash. If nothing else I can always do a ESA euro fighter interceptor used to hunt down those pesky UFOs. Good excuse to go crazy on the camo and markings
Welcome aboard.
That will be really fun. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
For other people considering joining this campaign and seeking some inspiration…
Sky 1 from UFO, the series
Interceptor from X-COM: UFO Defense
TR-3B - The real Unidentified Flying Object?
ESA Eurofighter Interceptor? Where are they based? In Kourou?
Hermann, that is an excellent idea! Maybe some wild jungle camouflage. I wonder if I can find the old prototype markings with mixed British/german/italian/spanish roundels. They would fit perfectly here.