Vietnam 60


I’d suggest sanding the behinds down - the seats have cushions and those would compress. The butts would also compress a little and I think that wasn’t accounted for neither in the model nor in the figures. Removing some material would remedy that.
And thanks for the heads up, I’m going to look out for that when I finally get to building my Lambro…
Good luck with your build and have a nice day


@ Ryan (Tank_1812). Thank you, but I think I’ll pass on the cargo foot-rest idea.

@ pawel. The benches don’t have cushions. The kit supplied planks are pretty thin (1.07mm). However, a likely butt trimming along with bench bracket lowering should suffice. :hocho:

Taxi! :vietnam:


Another builder I saw had the same issue and placed a couple of the rice bags on the floor beneath their feet and it solved the problem.


Let’s start with the SUU-11B/A pod

I’m very impressed. The details are very fine and the build is very easy. It took me 10 minutes from opening the box to finishing the assembly.

One of my biggest projects is to make a 1/48 ac-47 cutaway, and my idea was to make an early version with SUU-11 pods. I think I’ll order a few more :slight_smile:

Now let’s prepare the characters. They’re 3D printed and come with a cushion for the truck lift and an ammo box (20mm shells, I think).

The details are very fine, you can see facial expressions, the poses are dynamic, and the build is straight forward.


Next step will be painting, but that will have to wait a little, till I master the basics of airbrushing. My first steps as a beginner will start in the next weeks.
Wish me luck… :crossed_fingers: :wink:


Places… Places everyone… :point_up::expressionless: :clapper:

Hi guys,
Back to work on the Lambro 550. As it turns-out, it came to a combination of Franken-Figuring and Taxi Musical Chairs in order to get the four unruly passengers seated with their feet firmly planted on the floor. :chair::chair::chair::chair:

• Approx. 1.0mm shaved off the buttocks.
• Bench braces were clipped and lowered 2.0mm.
• Bench seats were thinned at their respective figure locations, approx. 0.5mm.
So, with a little bit of this and a little bit of that, the combined adjustment was approx. 3.5mm.

I’m pretty happy with the result, as I think they look more natural now. So, it’s onto the next Taxi Stand…

Taxi! :vietnam:


the only thing i would add would be straps onto the conical hats, they were usually made from a thin piece of ribbon.

other than that you have done a magnificent job so far.


@ David (Klaus-Adler)
That is the plan…

Cám ơn. :vietnam:


That little Cessna is fighting me. Quite a few fit problems I’ve found. The cabin windows don’t want to fit in the frames, the instrument panel seems to be attached with will-power and the joysticks are short shot. Will have to scratch them.
I’ll carry on as and when I can, but I’m going to change my build for the Airfix Shenyang J-5 in VPAF colours. Haven’t heard a single bad thing said about this one, so should be a much easier build given the approaching deadline.


@justsendit - nice job with fitting the figures! The scene already starts looking good!

@phantom_phanatic - would be cool to see you tackle that MiG. I’d like to build it one day in Polish colours.

And I’m movin’ on with my Dozer, the fuel tanker also gets worked on. Let me post one photo of the Dozer, more photos in the respective build threads:

Good luck with your builds and have a nice day



Bulldozers looking good.
Airfix did at least one boxing of their Mig-17 in Polish markings, but aftermarket decals would be easy to find. I’ve got a couple more and I’m positive one has.
I have got a couple of projects planned in Polish colours, a Mig-23 and SU-17 so I’ll be sure to start threads for them when I get around to it.

I’m hoping to make a start on the J-5 tomorrow.

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Some steps forward on the 107:

Still uncertain on the finishing; I really like the three color camo discussed before though I can’t tell if it belongs to war time or post. I found another pic showing same camo and same environment. The jeep sports markings I can’t tell of, though the 107 reads US Army near the registration. If it is an American base in Korea as it could be guessed on previous pics it’s just out of my (poor) knowledge and would it turn out is postwar then it’s out of scope in this campaign


Modest start today. Just cleaning up parts and first coat of paint on the cockpit.


Stefano @Steo77, have you tried looking at different unit web pages on the www, I often go to the 11ACR Vietnam Veterans members page and study their photos for period correct markings, crew stowage etc. :eyes: :mag:

Cajun :crocodile:

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Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll surely give it a try! I found accounts of artillery deployment during Vietnam, but nothing getting into details. And it’s one of a huge file!!

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I would like to do this, but I still haven’t been able to fine the M48 model that I want at a good price.


Hello everybody!

Today I wanted to show you some progress with my fuel tanker.

To backdate the truck from the A2 version I designed some parts:


Then a friend printed them for me:

After cleaning up the supports I dry fitted everything and it’s cool - everything fits, so I started putting everything together:


More details in the build thread - thanks for looking and have a nice day



Thinking of joining with this little nearly forgotten gem…


More progress on the French Hellcat

Overall the build was easier than I expected. Until I got to the wing roots, the gaps are huge.

All filled in now


I assume these Hellcats were war weary birds inherited from the USN and I imagine the Vietnamese environment was harsh on the Gloss Sea Blue color. I experimented with some weathering on the blue coat. Still not sure how far to push it but here’s what I have so far.