Picked up this second hand from eBay to help with the VPAF Mig I’m doing for the USSR campaign.
Looks like an interesting read so far from what I’ve seen. And always good to have some references to the other side to go alongside my US forces books.
Only downside is the matt paper Osprey used. Gives the photos and profiles a slightly grainy finish. A couple of others I’ve had the last couple of years suffered from this too.
Still, it’s going to be very useful. I had for instance, intended to the use underbelly gunpod, but it’s not on any of the VPAF Migs in the book, nor can I find reference so far. So, off it will go.
Saw this built recently and had to grab one. I got the Caracal set to make it a C-131 military bird
@keavdog Roden makes nice 1/144 kits of these old propliners, good choice!
Treated myself with the first order(s) of 2025:
This arrived today
The colors (well, not the Russian cockpit turquoise, haha) will go to my project F-35A Lightning from Tamiya and the Fuel Truck will be a long missed companion for my Revell/Monogram B-17G
Caracal Decals arrived today
Traded a couple 1/72 helos (I had a change of plan) with a guy on another forum for this 1/48 Tamiya A-1J he won in a raffle(he doesn’t do 1/48) -win/win.
I’ve done the Navy version of this, looking forward to an AF version.
Nice! I have a Skyraider on my wanna-do-this-year list as well.
Love the US jets from that era!