Main hull tub is done. Will start on the running boards a bit later
Also did the engine mesh. I didn’t have any PE big enough so I used one of the white plastic offerings in the kit, and some old Chally 1 mesh I had left over…
I then found the old Chally 1 PE mesh for the long basket but decided to leave that for something else. The plastic stuff looks ok and once it’s painted …
If anyone else does this, the exact grill measurements are… The large main engine grills/mesh need to be 25mm by 20mm… The smaller grills on the rear need to be an oblong 19mm by 7mm and then trim the top 2 corners to slot it in.
The hull tub.
And the grills.
LH running board
As per the rest of the build so far, it’s all gone together really well… No fit issues and minimal clean after cutting from sprue
Few bits and pieces flung together…
Assembled the front hull armour pack and upper front details.
Also did the drop down dozer attachment… And the drop arms on both sides, and thankfully they are all set and level.
Then the onerous task of the road wheels …
Bit of clean up and …
Will try and get the various sections of link and length track assembled tomorrow and then primed along with the wheels…
I need to decide on which paint scheme to go for…
The desert box art or same style but in green black and white…
That’s looking like an easy straightforward build, mine on the other hand is fighting me every step of the way now. Just had to take some scratch off as due to the kit being made to have workable side hatches which bear no relation to the real thing there are gaps in the hull. I’ll have to redo the plating around them to close the gaps up and make it look more realistic. It would seem Zvezda have really upped their game since my kit was produced.
I’ve never had an old Zvezda kit, but from what I have heard or read, they did leave a lot to be desired. Compared to the new ones they seem to be like chalk and cheese.
What you’re doing with the BTR is making a big difference though, it’s certainly going to take it up several levels with the effort your putting in.
Very nice Johnny. Oddly I missed this thread.
The Zvezda early kits of Soviet stuff are just reboxed Dragon kits.
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Thanks @Bison126 , glad you found it
Quick update.
Have assembled the various little bits of the link and length tracks but left them on the sprue as I will prime them tomorrow now.
Edit. Just noticed the sink marks on the inner surfaces… Some are actually level, but some will need filling. Another job for tomorrow… Will leave the top run…
And done the RH sponsor and dry fitted the major parts.
All fits perfect and a step nearer priming … Some engine deck and small hull items to fit which will be done tomorrow fingers crossed.
looking good, I think the sink marks are designed to be positioned under the wheels and will not be seen once the track is in place but you can check it out.
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I hope that’s the case Nikos… Will find out when I test fit it …
Really undecided on the paint scheme for this one.
I’m actually veering away from the splinter now. And doing a green black grey combination…
All major parts primed now
Beautiful build John! You’ve really done that kit up nicely.
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I did some masking on the T90 while I was masking the Beetle. The major colour will be Modern Russian green with small areas of geometric grey ( these masked areas) and overlapping flat black shapes.
Tomorrow will get the tracks painted up, they are already black and will then add MIG Track wash then highlight with Vallejo steel
you’re coming on leaps and bounds mate.
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Its a really nice kit, I would happily recommend it. Thanks for looking in on it.
Once its all finished, the grey areas under those geometric masks will be less as they will be overlapped in some places by the black thats going on as well.
I’m really looking forward to seeing the paint job this as i think it will be interesting and something most people haven’t seen before.
are you going to leave it factory fresh or are you going to go town on it with the weathering, chipping etc?
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Factory fresh for this one … And a wash to show some depth… Unless I completely arse up the painting stage then it will be covered in mud and look like it’s been in a fight with 2 John Deere tractors and Fendt lol
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Gave the wheels a mist coat of the AK modern Russian green earlier, over the Vallejo Russian green, and the AK Green on the rear hull, lower front and belly of the hull.
I know I keep saying it but I love these AK RC colours …I did a heavier thin this time, probably 60/40…
Will finally get round to the MIG Track wash tomorrow …
Coming along nicely, at least you have the wheels out of the way. Painting wheels is one of my biggest bug bears.
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