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August 2023


Which units/countries use these?

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ Uncle-Heavy



Marine Corps Now Fielding Polaris MRZR Alpha | UTV Driver

Magic Factory’s products look to be very nice. I can’t wait until their M2A3/M2A4/Linebacker Bradley kit comes out.

1 reply
August 2023

Frenchy Patron

And Canada as well


August 2023

Tank_1812 Patron

For modern fans, it looks to also include the RADA RPS-42 radar dishes. I don’t think anyone has done that yet, our wonderful CAD guys have designed but not released any prints yet.

1 reply
August 2023


Now this is a huge surprise for me.

There are resin and 3-D printed MRZR offerings, but I believe that the best way to go is plastic, and being so small, having two MRZRs per kit is ideal.

The MRZR isn’t a modern Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV); however, the Magic Factory kit can be made into one, especially for special operations forces. And having the side mounted machine guns and extra weapons set included is more than ideal. The trailer and C-UAS RADA radars really pushes the multipurpose usage and bonuses of this kit. Add cargo, Stinger and Javelin missiles, and other accessories, and you can really have a lot of eye candy details and accessories for such a small kit.

And it can be used for Post-Apocalyptic, Arctic, EOD, engineer, desert, jungle, special operations forces, USMC, and allies. You must be a government or military representative to purchase Polaris military products so I don’t think that the MRZR can be made into civilian usage.

I’m totally in for one! :grinning:

August 2023

Petition2God Supporter

Shoot, I was thinking about 3D printing these vehicles and finishing the CAD for pMHR radar I was working on but maybe I don’t have to anymore. :slight_smile:

Very welcomed release.

1 reply
August 2023 ▶ Petition2God

Tank_1812 Patron

I wouldn’t throw away that CAD work. There is a good possibility that some elements will be soft because of the limitations of mass produced plastic kits and/or worth their cad dollars/time.

August 2023


I had been slowly working on that RPS-42 but I guess, for the MRZR at least, it seems moot… I might have to pick up one.

August 2023

SableLiger Patron

2 replies
August 2023

Frenchy Patron

This one is a 2-seat RZR


1 reply
August 2023

SableLiger Patron

If you want one, GovPlanet has some for auction. Slightly used and only $15K. The auction has a lot of reference images that you can use. :wink:

Surplus Polaris MRZR-D4 Side By Side in Albany, Georgia, United States (GovPlanet Item #10108979)

August 2023

Frenchy Patron

Matching trailer :wink:

More pics :


August 2023

SableLiger Patron

August 2023 ▶ Frenchy



That is a 2-seat RZR, not MRZR. The RZR is an earlier ATV before the newer MRZR version came out.

A two-seat RZR is not a two-seat MRZR. The hood, bed, body, and rollcages are different. :grinning:

Airborne Miniatures makes 1/35 resin versions of the RZR and MRZR, complete with seated figures to go with them.

1 reply
August 2023

SableLiger Patron

AFSOC MRZR-4 being loaded on a C-130 during Operation Emerald Warrior.

August 2023

Frenchy Patron

Post edited accordingly :blush:


August 2023 ▶ SableLiger


Iv seen some of these at a airshow at Mc Guire AFB used by the 621st Contingency Response Wing

August 2023


Well I didn’t know I wanted this until I saw it.

September 2023


Apparently, they are now available from Asian suppliers and on eBay.

Magic Factory 2005 1/35 MRZR D4 All Terrain Vehicle Ultralight Tactical Model 6974715830143 | eBay

When will the Magic Factory M2A3/A4 Bradley be available??? :frowning_face:

1 reply
September 2023 ▶ HeavyArty


At 50% more expensive than hobbyeasy, I can wait a month to put it in the stash.

The M2A3/A4 is almost here, I promise.

September 2023


I wonder if they will bring crew for them out, like the stinger and javelin gunners

1 reply
May 2024 ▶ gogs007


Yes, there exists 1/35 3-D printed resin crews for the 1/35 MRZRs that are on sale now. The crews are made by Magic Factory so they should fit inside the Magic Factory’s MRZRs as the photo shows.