1:1 WW2 Dutch Fokker D.21 replica

A Dutch entrepreneur hars made a replica of the Dutch Ww2 Fokker D.21 fighter.
He found a original engine that survived the war in the Netherlands.
It is in flying condition and made its presentation flight last weekend (6th of July)

A film of the flight…


Just found this post looking to see if anyone else had already posted anything about it - I just found the YouTube channel. Man, I have missed so much the last 2 years.

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You’ve been offline that long?

This might be of interest if you can access it:
Warplane Workshop - Series 1: Episode 3 | Channel 4



Not offline, just busy beyond comprehension. I get on to the site to do reviews and sometimes to actually click around, but very little chance to participate otherwise.

Ah, clear… Thanks for the explanation. :slight_smile: