1/35 assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

I want to present you a new model 1/35 assassination of Reinhard Heydrich. The model depicts an event from World War II - the assassination of the representative protector in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The set includes a car (ICM), decals, sheet metal signs, a flag and street signs (all Eduard), a figure of Jan Kubiš, a figure of Josef Gabčík, a figure of Reinhard Heydrich, a figure of Johanes Klain (Aires) and accessories for the conversion of the car, two bicycles and coats with bag (all Company 49). Everything in the photos. You can buy at www.navysadku.cz


Welcome aboard. Look forward to seeing this progresses. I know @Dioramartin will be interested also.


Hi Premek,

Bravo for this set, how I wish you’d produced it 6 years ago, or I’d started my project 6 years later! Here it is, finished early this year:

All the elements you’ve designed (including the car) I either converted, scratch-built or adapted. As you may know MiniArt did bring out the Mercedes cabriole over a year ago.

Any plans to produce Prague tram conversion kits…? :wink:


Hello. Many people ask about the tram. I’m thinking about it, I’m looking for sources

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Well, if you click the link in my previous post to archive/armorama you’ll find all the research I did (with the help of several others) on the correct trams. It begins after the opening pages about the Mercedes.

The Prague Transport Museum is the best source for the real thing – while it has the correct trailer, from memory I don’t think it has an example of the correct 5-window tram, only the earlier 4-window version.

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