1/35 Landkreuzer P1000 dies :(

Some of you may remember the 1/35 P1000 I was building many years ago. Unfortunately, it’s sat unfinished since the turret was more or less completed.

I’ve recently moved from a 2700 sq ft home to a 1700 sq ft home. Needless to say, I’ve lost a lot of my modelling space. I no longer have room for the Ratte and it’s being released from the “Shelf of Doom” to the bin.

It was a long and enjoyable process. A lot of folks helped with ideas, information, parts, motivation and applause. I truly hate to see it go, but I just don’t have the room; not at nearly a yard/meter long. The turret will remain though. It needs some repairs and some updates/tweaks. It’ll probably get a somewhat “naval” paint job in the future.

Anyhow, to those that know, thank you so much for ALL of your incredible support.



Hi Mike,

That’s a shame - I really enjoyed watching it grow! Oh well, I guess in the end all our models (and us!) are destined for landfill…


Sad to see it end as it looks great.

Is there a model club that it could be donated too? Scouts? Or would there be interest in buying it on a local sales page or eBay? Seems a shame to bin it.


It was definitely fascinating to watch it take shape. A grand plan for a monster of a model. It really sucks when real life destroys modeling. Great work Mike.


Thats a real shame. I remember watching this get built up and loved how it progressed… At least the big turret will remain.


We know the end of the journey,
we just have to make the trip as
enjoyable as possible.


I do remember it well! I always wondered what happened to it; a shame after all that effort.


I have debated this for the last couple of months. It won’t even fit on my current bench. :sob:

The new modelling room is roughly the same size as my old room, but having lost about 1000 sq ft of house, other things are also in that room. Gawd, it’s even carpeted!! Dang carpet monster is just aching for me to drop something important!

I did a Bing search for the build so I could post this there, but all that came up were a couple of pictures of the turret that linked to a page that shows “File not found.”

The efforts of some of the Kit Maker members (absolutely incredible things they did! [you know who you are]) did for the turret build made me ensure that it is kept, repaired and truly finished.

I will post a new topic in Armorama, or should it be Model Shipwrights, of the turret as it is right now and that’ll be the new beginning of for the turret.

With sadness,


p.s. The really BIG paint booth I built has had it too. The motor is finally “grinding” somewhat even after regularly cleaning the innards and always using a filter. I now have one of those smaller, foldable paint booths. Yeesh, they are tiny!

:grin: :rofl:


Stephen, I don’t think there’s anyone in the Colorado Springs, CO area that would be interested and it’s just too large to ship.



I did find the archived build log. But thanks to PhotoBucket, the pictures are unavailable.


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Remember the ModelCollect 1:72nd Ratte? I believe it is now history, but you may recall what they did with their turret…
Austrått Fort coastal artillery site triple 28cm turret Caesar – ModelCollect
Please note that the turret there has an extra layer of armour as being in a fixed location weight wasn’t an issue.



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It’s a shame. It’s a lot of work. I don’t know if I could be so ruthless with such a project.

Hope you’re all settled into the new home.


There is one possible place I could store it until I figure out how to continue with the build. I’d prefer to go that route and the other.


p.s. More to follow…