Hey all, theres my WIP Revell Pzh. 2000.
It was build mostly OOB with only a few added things. (Hobby Boss wheels, Meng Mg-3, mount, muzzle cover and smoke launchers, sculpted blast bag)
Painted with Hataka Orange line NATO set. Weathered with AMMO products.
I managed to start the mud and dust effects. Its based off pictures of these vehicles at training ranges in Germany, caked in mud.
Not the best pic but you can see what I mean.
Still need to refine it and add some wet mud.
'Look’s pretty damn good to me Ezra; perhaps a touch more exhaust staining (as per the picture)? But a cracking model.
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Damn Ezra! That’s beautiful! Perfect mud effects - great build and the camo is outstanding. Your weathering is coming out spectacular. Keep it up man this one is coming out to be a show stopper.
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It looks great … what did you think of the build?
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Thanks guys!
perhaps a touch more exhaust staining (as per the picture)?
Yep! Im planning on adding that once all the mud is done so I dont obscure the effect.
what did you think of the build?
To be honest for the age its a really damn good kit, the details are all really nice and pretty crisp, the tracks are nicely molded and the fit was exceptional. My one issue was there was no molded blast bag and the stowage rack is solid plastic.
Overall I give it a 7/10.
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Well… Im adding another build to the thread. I found in my stash yesterday the Revell 1/35 Raketenjagdpanzer Jaguar 1 and decided to build it up so I can weather it and the Pzh. 2000 at the same time.
It was surprisingly really nice (I cant believe I built two good Revell kits) and I had it built up in about 5 hours. And after a quick airbrush session I had it painted, decaled and clear coated.
By the end of the day it should be where the Pzh. 2000 is weathering wise so I can finish them together.
Hi Ezra, this became very impressive, the dust and stains look amazing. Congrats!
I’ve got the Revell kit and the Meng kit! One of them is going to be done like this!
Well guys Im finally calling this one about 99% done! I still need to burnish the mg and weather the tarp a little but its essentially done. (Not to mention I need better pics)
The mud was a huge struggle and Im so happy to have it over with. I really like the bent antenna, red flag, and flecktarn tarp which I added after seeing a picture.
Next up is the Meng kit in desert camo.
What do yall think?
EDIT: Frick guys, these pics are beyond horrible. Tomorrow I will take new ones that are acually clear
Here is mine from MENG. Three more are under construction. The red flag should go further to the commander. For the blue PzH there are masks from DN-Model.